How to Create Instagram Stories with Interactive Elements: Top Instagram Story Ideas

By: Ellen Bartolino

Instagram stories have become a powerful tool for brands and influencers to engage with their audience and boost brand awareness. With the addition of interactive elements, Instagram stories are a great way to create engaging Instagram content that can make your brand stand out. By using stickers, polls, quizzes, and other interactive features, you can make your Instagram stories more engaging and provide valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and opinions. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll explore how to create interactive Instagram stories that will boost engagement and connect with your audience in meaningful ways.

how to create instagram stories with interactive elements

Benefits of Using Interactive Elements in Instagram Stories

Boost Engagement with Interactive Stories

Interactive Instagram stories are a great way to boost engagement on your Instagram profile. When you add interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and question stickers, you invite your audience to actively participate in your content. This not only makes your stories more engaging but also encourages your followers to spend more time interacting with your brand. Instagram users love a good interactive poll or quiz because it gives them a chance to share their opinions and see instant results. By using these features, you can create stories that captivate your audience and keep them coming back for more.

Enhance Brand Awareness with Interactive Elements

Using interactive elements in your Instagram stories can significantly enhance your brand awareness. When you create content on Instagram stories that is interactive, you make your brand stand out from your competitors. Interactive stories provide a unique way to showcase your product or service, whether it’s through a sneak peek of an upcoming event or a behind-the-scenes look at your business operations. Stories are a great way to highlight key aspects of your brand and engage your audience in a more personal and direct manner. This type of content not only builds awareness but also fosters a deeper connection with your followers.

Sharing behind-the-scenes content has always been a hit with my audience. During a recent photoshoot for our upcoming campaign, I used Instagram stories to give my followers a sneak peek. I added poll stickers asking which outfits they preferred and quiz stickers about our brand’s history. This not only made my stories more interactive but also fostered a deeper connection with my audience by making them feel involved in the process.

Essential Tools for Creating Interactive Instagram Stories

Templates for Instagram Stories

Using templates can simplify the process of creating visually appealing and interactive Instagram stories. Templates provide a structured format that you can customize with your brand’s colors, fonts, and images. This ensures consistency across your Instagram stories and helps maintain a cohesive brand identity. There are numerous tools available, such as Canva and Adobe Spark, that offer a variety of templates specifically designed for Instagram stories. By utilizing these tools, you can create stories that are not only visually stunning but also incorporate polls, quizzes, and question stickers seamlessly.

Tools to Add Interactive Elements

To add interactive elements to your Instagram stories, you need to be familiar with the different types of stickers that Instagram provides. Here are some essential tools and features you can use:

  • Poll Sticker: Allows you to ask your followers a question and offer two options for them to choose from. This is a great way to get instant feedback and engage your audience.
  • Question Sticker: Enables your followers to ask questions, which you can answer in subsequent stories. This feature is perfect for hosting Q&A sessions and engaging directly with your audience.
  • Quiz Sticker: Lets you create a multiple-choice quiz where followers can select the correct answer. This is a fun way to test your audience’s knowledge about your brand or industry.
  • Countdown Sticker: Creates a countdown to an upcoming event or product launch. This builds anticipation and excitement among your followers.
  • Emoji Slider: Allows followers to express their opinions by sliding an emoji along a scale. This is a simple yet effective way to gauge your audience’s feelings about a particular topic.

These tools make it easy to incorporate interactive elements into your Instagram stories, helping you to engage with your audience and gather valuable insights.

Launching a New Product: When I was gearing up for my latest product launch, I decided to use Instagram stories to build anticipation. I created a series of stories that included countdown stickers to the launch date, which kept my audience engaged and excited. The day before the launch, I used a question sticker to host a Q&A session about the product. This not only increased engagement but also provided valuable feedback and questions from my followers.

Step-by-Step Process for Adding Interactive Elements

How to Add a Poll Sticker

To add a poll sticker to your Instagram stories, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new story: Tap the camera icon in the top left corner of your Instagram home screen to create a new story.
  2. Upload your content: Take a photo or video, or upload content from your gallery.
  3. Tap on the sticker icon: At the top of your screen, tap on the sticker icon to open the sticker menu.
  4. Select the Poll Sticker: Scroll through the options and tap on the Sticker.
  5. Create your poll: Enter your question and the two response options. You can customize the text and even add emojis to make your poll more engaging.
  6. Place the poll sticker: Drag the sticker to your desired location on the screen.
  7. Share your story: Once you’re happy with your poll, tap “Your Story” to share it with your followers.

Adding a poll sticker is a simple yet effective way to interact with your audience and gather their opinions on various topics related to your brand.

User Interaction: About 58% of people have reported becoming more interested in a brand/product they saw on stories, and 50% visited the website to purchase a product they saw on stories​ (99Firms)​. This underscores the effectiveness of Instagram stories in driving consumer interest and conversions.

Add a poll sticker to your Instagram stories

Using the Question Sticker

The question sticker is another interactive tool that allows you to engage directly with your followers. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Create a new story: Open the Instagram app and tap the camera icon to create a new story.
  2. Add your content: Capture a photo or video, or select one from your gallery.
  3. Open the sticker menu: Tap the sticker icon at the top of the screen.
  4. Select the Question Sticker: Find and tap on the Question Sticker.
  5. Customize your question: Enter a prompt or question that encourages your followers to respond. You can also add emojis to make it more engaging.
  6. Position the sticker: Drag and place the sticker on your story.
  7. Share your story: Tap “Your Story” to publish it.

Using the question sticker is a great way to host Q&A sessions, gather feedback, or simply interact with your audience in a fun and engaging manner.

Implementing a Quiz Sticker

The quiz sticker allows you to create a multiple-choice quiz in your Instagram stories. Follow these steps to use it:

  1. Create your story: Open the Instagram app and tap the camera icon to start a new story.
  2. Upload your content: Take a photo or video, or upload existing content from your gallery.
  3. Access the sticker menu: Tap the sticker icon at the top of your screen.
  4. Choose the Quiz Sticker: Find and tap on the Quiz Sticker.
  5. Set up your quiz: Enter your question and up to four answer options. Select the correct answer by tapping on it.
  6. Place the quiz sticker: Drag the quiz sticker to your preferred position on the screen.
  7. Share your story: Once you’re satisfied with your quiz, tap “Your Story” to post it.

The quiz sticker is an excellent way to engage your followers with fun and informative quizzes, making your Instagram stories more engaging.

Popular Interactive Features to Try

Polls and Questions

Polls and questions are among the most popular interactive elements on Instagram stories. They provide a straightforward way to engage with your audience and gather instant feedback. By using the poll sticker, you can ask your followers a variety of questions related to your product or service, upcoming launches, or general preferences. Similarly, the question sticker allows your audience to ask you anything, making it perfect for hosting Q&A sessions and fostering direct interaction.

Polls and questions

Countdown Sticker for Events

The countdown sticker is an excellent tool for building excitement and anticipation around a significant event or product launch. Whether you’re counting down to a sneak peek of a new collection, a special sale, or a live event, the countdown sticker keeps your audience informed and engaged. By regularly updating your Instagram stories with the countdown, you can maintain a buzz and ensure that your followers don’t miss out on important dates.

Location Sticker for Local Engagement

The location sticker helps you tap into local audiences by tagging specific locations in your Instagram stories. This feature is particularly useful for businesses with physical locations or events happening in specific areas. By adding a location sticker, you make it easier for local Instagram users to discover your content and engage with your audience. It also increases the chances of your story appearing in location-based story feeds, thus reaching a broader audience.

These interactive features not only make your stories more engaging but also provide opportunities to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Using stickers in your stories is a powerful way to make your brand stand out and drive engagement on Instagram stories.

Tips for Maximizing Engagement with Interactive Stories

Creative Ideas for Your First Story

Creating your first story with interactive elements can set the tone for your future Instagram stories. Start with a template that reflects your brand’s identity and incorporate a mix of interactive stickers. This not only helps you gather initial feedback but also shows your audience that you are keen to engage with your audience. Consider adding a sneak peek of an upcoming event or a behind-the-scenes look at your brand to capture interest.

Using Templates to Boost Engagement

Using templates for your Instagram stories can streamline the creation process and ensure a consistent look and feel. There are many online tools that offer customizable templates designed specifically for Instagram stories. These templates can help you incorporate interactive elements seamlessly, making it easier to create engaging Instagram content. Whether it’s a poll sticker or a quiz sticker, templates can guide you in placing these elements effectively to maximize interaction.

Leveraging Quiz Stickers for Fun Interactions

Quiz stickers are a fun way to engage your followers and test their knowledge about your brand or industry. Create quizzes that are both informative and entertaining, and don’t forget to use emojis to make them more visually appealing. For example, you can create a quiz about your latest product features or general trivia related to your niche. This not only entertains your audience but also educates them about your offerings, thus increasing brand awareness.

By implementing these tips, you can make your Instagram stories more interactive and engaging, helping your brand stand out and fostering a stronger connection with your audience. Interactive stories are a great way to keep your followers entertained and invested in your content.

Quiz stickers are a fun way to engage your followers


Incorporating interactive elements into your Instagram stories is a powerful way to boost engagement, increase brand awareness, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. By using tools like poll stickers, question stickers, quiz stickers, and countdown stickers, you can create engaging Instagram stories that captivate your followers and encourage them to interact with your content. Whether you’re using templates to streamline your design process or experimenting with different types of stickers, the key is to make your stories fun, interactive, and aligned with your brand’s identity. Start by implementing these tips in your first story, and watch how your engagement on Instagram stories improves, helping your brand stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I use Instagram stories to boost engagement for my brand?

Using Instagram stories is one of the best ways to increase engagement for your brand. By incorporating interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and question stickers, you can create content for your stories that encourages your audience to interact. Additionally, sharing behind-the-scenes content and sneak peeks can make your brand feel more personal and relatable, thus boosting engagement.

What are some creative Instagram story ideas for businesses?

For businesses, creative Instagram story ideas include using story highlights to showcase key products or services, sharing customer testimonials, and conducting Q&A sessions with the question sticker. Other ideas involve creating interactive polls about your next product, sharing behind-the-scenes content, and utilizing design elements like branded templates to maintain a cohesive look.

How do Instagram stories offer value to businesses?

Instagram stories offer businesses a way to engage with their audience in real-time and create a sense of urgency with time-limited content. They are perfect for showcasing new products, announcing sales, and providing updates. IG stories also help businesses gather feedback and insights through interactive features, which can inform marketing strategies and product development.

What is the role of Instagram stickers in stories?

Instagram stickers play a crucial role in making stories more engaging and interactive. Stickers like polls, quizzes, and question stickers encourage followers to participate and share their opinions. Additionally, stickers such as location, hashtags, and mentions can increase the visibility of your stories, helping to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your Instagram profile and posts.

How can businesses effectively use story highlights?

Businesses can use story highlights to keep important content accessible beyond the 24-hour lifespan of regular stories. Highlights can be organized into different categories like products, customer reviews, behind-the-scenes, and FAQs. This helps in providing new followers with a quick overview of what your business offers and ensures that valuable content is always available.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

Ellen is a seasoned author and communication expert, with a particular focus on Instagram. Her extensive knowledge of the platform has allowed her to create engaging and effective content for businesses and individuals alike. Ellen has a proven track record of crafting compelling Instagram captions and influencer marketing.