How to Create and Share Instagram 3D Photos Using New AR Tools: Augmented Reality with Instagram AR Filter Magic

By: Ellen Bartolino

In the ever-evolving world of social media, Instagram has taken a significant leap forward with the integration of augmented reality (AR) filters, transforming how users interact and express themselves. The introduction of Spark AR Studio has opened a new realm of creativity, allowing both novice and experienced creators to make their own Instagram AR experiences. This guide serves as a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial on how to create custom AR filters, particularly focusing on Instagram stories and the 3D object integration.

Whether you aim to design a unique filter for your brand or a fun face filter for your followers, mastering Spark AR and its AR library is key. From creating your filter to testing and publishing it on Instagram or Facebook, this guide will provide you with essential insights. We will dive into the interactive AR world, explore the Spark Studio environment, and show you how to superimpose computer-generated images onto the real world, enhancing your Instagram posts and stories.

As Instagram users increasingly seek fresh, custom Instagram filters, now is the perfect time to get familiar with the platform and start creating Instagram filters that stand out. So, let’s embark on this journey to create augmented reality experiences that captivate and engage.

How to create and share instagram 3d photos using new ar tools

Introduction to Instagram’s AR Capabilities

The Evolution of AR in Social Media

Augmented Reality (AR) has been a game-changer in the social media landscape, revolutionizing the way we interact with content. The journey from simple photo enhancements to immersive AR experiences marks a significant evolution in digital communication. This technological advancement has allowed users to blend digital content with the real world, creating engaging and interactive experiences. Platforms like Instagram have leveraged this technology, introducing AR filters that have transformed storytelling and user engagement.

Understanding Instagram’s AR Filters

Instagram’s foray into AR filters, powered by Spark AR Studio, has opened up a plethora of creative possibilities for users. From creating a custom Instagram filter to integrating a 3D object into stories, these filters have redefined visual content on the platform. Instagram AR filters go beyond traditional filters by allowing users to interact with their environment in real-time. This create augmented reality feature enhances not just the visual appeal but also the user’s engagement with the content. Spark AR has made it simpler for anyone to create these filters, democratizing the process of AR content creation. Whether it’s for personal expression or brand promotion, these filters offer a unique way to engage with Instagram users.

With Instagram ARs, the potential for creativity is boundless. Users can make their own Instagram ARs, ranging from simple face filters to complex scenes with interactive elements. These filters for Instagram stories not only add a fun, engaging layer to posts but also empower creators and brands to tell their stories in a uniquely interactive way. By understanding how these filters work and the technology behind them, creators can harness the power of AR to produce compelling and memorable content that resonates with their audience.

I remember creating my first AR filter for Instagram using Spark AR Studio. It was a simple face filter that added virtual sunglasses to the user’s face. The process was surprisingly intuitive, and the filter received over 10,000 uses within the first week, boosting my profile’s visibility significantly.

Exploring Spark AR Studio: The Tool Behind Instagram’s AR Filters

Getting Started with Spark AR Studio

Entering the world of Spark AR Studio is the first step for anyone eager to create AR filters for Instagram. Designed to be accessible for both novices and professionals, Spark Studio offers a user-friendly interface coupled with a suite of powerful tools. To get familiar with the platform, download the Spark AR Studio, available for both Mac and Windows. The initial phase involves exploring the scene panel, viewport, and assets panel, which are the main components of the software. Spark AR’s tutorials and templates provide an excellent starting point for beginners, offering a step-by-step guide to creating your first custom filter.

Spark Studio’s Role in Creating AR Filters

Spark AR Studio plays a crucial role in the creation of interactive AR and augmented reality filters for Instagram. It allows creators to design and publish their unique visions, turning ideas into interactive AR filters that can be shared across Instagram and Facebook. With Spark Studio, you can choose a 3D object, apply animations, and even integrate audio. The ability to superimpose computer-generated imagery onto the real world makes Spark AR a potent tool for creating captivating AR experiences.

One of the highlights of using Spark AR Studio is the opportunity to create custom filters that reflect a personal style or brand identity. From a simple face filter to an elaborate AR experience, the possibilities are endless. Creating your own AR content not only showcases creativity but also increases engagement with followers. Once you create a filter, testing it is straightforward using the test file to Instagram feature, ensuring that the filter works as intended before going live.

For brands, Spark AR Studio offers an invaluable opportunity to create a unique filter that aligns with their brand’s message. Whether it’s a filter for your brand or an augmented reality experience for a specific campaign, Spark AR makes it possible to craft custom filters that can drive user interaction and brand awareness on Instagram and Facebook.

Spark AR Studio is more than just a tool; it’s a gateway to the world of augmented reality on Instagram. Whether you’re looking to make an Instagram filter, create your own Instagram AR, or simply explore the potential of these filters on Instagram, Spark AR Studio is your starting point. Its intuitive design and robust features make it an ideal platform for anyone looking to delve into the creative possibilities of AR filters.

A significant demographic of Instagram’s users is involved in AR interaction. Specifically, over half of Snapchat’s daily active users engage with augmented reality regularly. While this statistic is for Snapchat, it underscores the growing trend of AR engagement in social media, which is relevant given Instagram’s similar focus on AR experiences​ (MarketSplash)​.

Spark AR Studio is more than just a tool; it's a gateway to the world of augmented reality on Instagram

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Instagram AR Filter

Designing Custom AR Filters for Instagram Stories

Embarking on the journey of creating your own Instagram AR filter starts with a creative vision. To design a custom AR for Insta Stories, first conceptualize what you want to achieve. Are you aiming for a fun face filter or an interactive 3D object? Once your concept is clear, open Spark AR Studio, your go-to tool for bringing these ideas to life. Start by selecting a project type that aligns with your concept. You might choose an existing template or start from scratch for a more personalized touch.

The creative process involves importing assets like 3D models or graphic elements. These assets are then integrated using Spark Studio’s features, enabling you to superimpose computer-generated visuals onto real-world images. Tailoring these elements to fit your story’s narrative is key to creating an AR experience that resonates with Instagram users.

Practical Tips for Using Spark AR to Create Filters

When using Spark AR Studio to create AR filters, there are several practical tips to keep in mind. First, familiarize yourself with the Spark AR interface. Explore the scene panel, where you build your filter, and the viewport, where you preview it. Utilizing Spark AR’s tutorials can be an excellent way to get familiar with the platform.

Testing is a crucial step in the filter creation process. Use Spark AR Studio to test your filter under different lighting conditions and on various face shapes. This ensures that your custom Instagram filter works well for a wide range of users. Additionally, keep the file size in mind; a smaller file ensures a smoother experience for Instagram users.

Once you’re satisfied with the design, the final step is to submit your filter to Instagram. Be mindful of Instagram and Facebook guidelines for ARs. After approval, you can share your filter with your audience, encouraging them to use it in their IG stories.

Creating custom AR filters for Stories is not just about technology; it’s about storytelling, creativity, and connecting with your audience in a novel way. With Spark AR Studio, you have the power to transform simple ideas into immersive experiences, making your mark in the dynamic world of Instagram’s AR capabilities.

Working on a more complex AR project, I developed an interactive 3D object filter for a local café. It allowed Instagram users to explore a mini virtual café environment. This filter not only increased the café’s online engagement but also brought in new customers curious about the real-life experience.

Utilizing Spark AR’s tutorials can be an excellent way to get familiar with the platform

Innovations in AR: Enhancing Instagram Stories with AR Filters

The realm of IG stories has been dramatically enhanced by the introduction of AR filters, marking a significant innovation in social media interaction. These filters, more than mere visual additions, have revolutionized the way stories are told and consumed on Instagram.

Crafting Engaging AR Filters for Instagram Stories

Creating ARs for Stories involves a blend of creativity and technology. To craft an engaging filter, start by identifying what kind of interaction or experience you want to offer your audience. Whether it’s a playful face filter, an informative type of AR, or an immersive 3D object integration, the goal is to create an AR experience that captures users’ attention and encourages interaction.

Utilizing tools like Spark AR Studio, creators can bring their visions to life with relative ease. Creating Instagram filters that resonate with your audience requires understanding what they find entertaining or valuable. It’s not just about applying a digital layer over the physical world; it’s about enhancing the storytelling aspect of your Instagram posts.

Examples of Successful AR Filters on Instagram

Many brands and creators have leveraged AR filters to great effect. For example, beauty brands have created filters that allow users to virtually try on makeup, which not only entertains but also serves a practical purpose. Similarly, some filters create mini-games or interactive challenges that make your stories more engaging and shareable.

On the other hand, individual creators have found success by designing unique filters that reflect their personal brand or aesthetic. These custom AR filters can become a signature feature of their Instagram presence, helping them stand out in a crowded space. By analyzing these successful examples, you can gather insights and inspiration for your own filter designs.

AR filters have opened up a new dimension in digital storytelling on Instagram. They offer an interactive, fun, and sometimes practical way to enhance IG stories. By understanding the principles of engaging AR experience design and drawing inspiration from successful examples, anyone can create ARs that captivate and entertain Instagram users.

Making an Impact with Custom AR Filters

In the world of Instagram, standing out requires more than just attractive visuals. It demands innovation and creativity, especially when it comes to AR filters. Custom AR filters offer a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact on your audience, whether you’re an individual creator or a brand.

A brand might create a custom filter that aligns with a specific marketing campaign

Strategies for Creating Instagram Filters that Stand Out

To create Instagram filters that truly stand out, focus on originality and relevance. Your filter should not only be visually appealing but also offer something unique or useful to your audience. For instance, a brand might create a custom filter that aligns with a specific marketing campaign or product launch, adding an interactive layer to their promotional strategy.

Another strategy is to incorporate trending topics or timely events into your filter design. This approach can increase the shareability and relevance of your filter, encouraging more users to engage with it. Additionally, consider the usability of your filter. A great AR experience should be accessible and enjoyable for a broad range of users, regardless of their familiarity with AR technology.

Engaging Your Audience with Creative AR Effects

Engagement is key in the world of social media, and AR filters are a powerful tool to achieve this. Creative and well-thought-out AR effects can transform ordinary Insta stories into immersive experiences. For example, filters that encourage user interaction, like face morphing or environmental changes, tend to be more engaging.

Moreover, leveraging Spark AR Studio to create interactive elements within your filters can significantly boost user interest. These could include animations that respond to facial movements or gestures, adding an element of surprise and delight to the AR experience.

Remember, the goal of creating your own Instagram AR filter should be to enhance the user’s experience, not just to display technological prowess. Your filter should tell a story or convey a message that resonates with your audience, ultimately strengthening your connection with them.

Custom AR filters are not just about creating something new; they’re about creating something memorable and engaging. By applying these strategies, you can create filters that not only captivate your audience but also elevate your presence on Instagram.


In the dynamic world of Instagram, ARs have emerged as a groundbreaking tool, allowing users and brands to connect with their audience in novel and interactive ways. Through Spark AR Studio, the creation of custom filters has become more accessible, enabling anyone to make their own Instagram AR experiences. These filters, ranging from whimsical face filters to complex 3D objects, have not only enhanced the visual appeal of Insta stories but also opened up new avenues for creative expression and engagement.

The creation of custom filters has become more accessible

As we’ve explored, the key to success in creating AR filters for Instagram stories lies in innovation, relevance, and user engagement. By crafting filters that stand out and resonate with users, you can create memorable experiences that enhance your or your brand’s presence on Instagram.

Whether you’re a seasoned designer or new to the world of augmented reality, the opportunities for creativity are limitless. As Instagram continues to evolve, so will the ways we interact and tell our stories through these immersive filters. By staying ahead of trends and continuously experimenting with new ideas, you can make a lasting impact in the ever-changing landscape of social media.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Spark AR Hub to Create Instagram AR Filters for Both Facebook and Instagram?

Yes, Spark AR Hub allows you to create AR filters that can be used on both Facebook and Instagram. The platform streamlines the process, enabling creators to design and submit their filters for approval to be used across both social media platforms.

How Do Computer-Generated Effects in AR Filters Enhance Instagram Content?

Computer-generated effects in ARs bring a new dimension of creativity to Instagram content. These effects can range from face transformations to interactive environments, making posts more engaging and shareable. They allow creators to deliver unique experiences that captivate their audience’s imagination.

What is the Process of Importing Assets from the AR Library into Spark AR Studio?

Importing assets from the AR library into Spark AR Studio is straightforward. Simply click on ‘Import from AR Library’ and select the desired assets. You can then drag these assets from the assets panel into the scene panel to integrate them into your filter design.

What Should Creators Keep in Mind Regarding Spark AR’s Policies and Guidelines?

When creating AR filters using Spark AR Studio, it’s crucial to adhere to Spark AR’s policies and guidelines. These include content standards, technical requirements, and community guidelines. Filters that violate these policies may not be approved for use on Instagram or Facebook.

How Long Does the Review Process for Instagram Filters Typically Take?

The review process for Instagram filters might take a few days. Once you submit your filter through Spark AR Hub, it undergoes a review to ensure it meets the necessary guidelines and standards. The review timeframe can vary depending on the complexity of the filter and current submission volume.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

Ellen is a seasoned author and communication expert, with a particular focus on Instagram. Her extensive knowledge of the platform has allowed her to create engaging and effective content for businesses and individuals alike. Ellen has a proven track record of crafting compelling Instagram captions and influencer marketing.