How to Unblock Yourself on Instagram: Regaining Access When Someone Blocked You

By: Ellen Bartolino

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a person on Instagram has blocked you, and you’re left scratching your head, wondering how to unblock yourself? It’s a frustrating problem, isn’t it? You might be asking, “What if someone has blocked me? How can I send them a DM or unblock myself on Instagram?”

Well, you’re not alone in this predicament. Many Instagram users face this issue and are left feeling helpless. But don’t worry, there’s a solution to this problem. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of unblocking yourself on Instagram, even if someone else has blocked you.

So, let’s dive in, explore the world of Instagram blocking, and learn how to unblock yourself if someone else has blocked you.

How to unblock yourself on someone else's instagram

Understanding Instagram’s Block Function

Instagram’s block function is a powerful tool designed to give users control over their interactions. It’s a feature that allows you to prevent another user from accessing your profile, posts, stories, and even direct messages. When you block a user, they are unable to see your content or interact with you in any way. This can be a useful tool if you want to keep your profile private or avoid unwanted interactions. Instagram has made it so that when you block someone, their likes and comments will be removed from your photos and videos. Unblocking someone won’t restore their previous likes and comments.

Purpose and explanation of the block function

The block function on Instagram is designed to give users the power to control their interactions. It allows you to prevent another user from accessing your profile, posts, stories, and even direct messages. When you block a user, they are unable to see your content or interact with you in any way. This can be useful if you want to keep your profile private or avoid unwanted interactions.

What happens when you block someone

When you block someone on Instagram, they can no longer see your posts or stories, send you direct messages, or find your profile in their search results. They are also removed from your followers list. However, the blocked user is not notified of the block, which can lead to confusion and frustration. After you block someone, they won’t be able to mention your username or tag you. If you decide to block an individual and subsequently modify your username, they will be unable to mention or tag you unless they possess knowledge of your updated username.

How to know if you’ve been blocked

If you suspect that someone on Instagram has blocked you, there are a few signs you can look for. You may not be able to find their profile in your search results, see their posts or stories, or send them direct messages. Additionally, if you previously followed each other, you will no longer see them in your followers list. When you find yourself engaged in a group conversation with an individual you have previously blocked, a dialog box will promptly appear, giving you the option to either remain in the group or depart from it. If you choose to stay in the group, you’ll be able to see messages from the person you blocked in the group.

What happens when someone blocks you on Instagram

When someone blocks you on Instagram, you are essentially cut off from their digital life. You can’t see their posts, stories, or profile. You can’t send them direct messages or comment on their posts. In fact, it’s as if their account has disappeared from your Instagram world. However, there are ways to unblock yourself and we’ll discuss those in the next sections. If the person you blocked sends you any messages in Direct, you won’t receive those messages, and they won’t be delivered later if you unblock them. After you block someone, they won’t be able to join a room you create if they’re logged in to their Instagram account.

Instagram’s Restrict Feature

Instagram has made a feature called ‘Restrict’ to help users avoid awkward situations. This feature is a more subtle option compared to blocking. When you restrict someone, their comments and messages will be hidden from your profile. It’s like keeping the restricted user behind a privacy window where they can see you, but they can’t exactly interact with you as normal and don’t realize this is the case. This tool is handy when dealing with repeat bullies who leave negative comments on your Instagram posts and may harass you in your Direct Messages.

How to Restrict Someone on Instagram

How to Restrict Someone on Instagram

There are several ways to restrict a person on Instagram. You can do it directly from your comments, through your account settings, or from their profile. Launch the Instagram app and swipe left on the comment to do this. Tap the information icon (an exclamation point in a bubble) and then Restrict. You can also go to your profile, tap the three-bar menu icon in the top-right corner, go to Settings and Privacy > Restricted, then search for the account you’d like to restrict, and tap the Restrict button next to the chosen account.

The Difference Between Blocking and Restricting on Instagram

When you block someone on Instagram, they can no longer see your posts or stories, send you direct messages, or find your profile in their search results. They are also removed from your followers list. However, the blocked user is not notified of the block, which can lead to confusion and frustration. On the other hand, when you restrict an account, not much changes on their end as they continue to see your profile and posts. They can still view your Stories and feed, and you can see theirs. While there are ways to tell if you are blocked on Instagram, it’s much harder to figure out if you have been restricted.

The Impact of Blocking and Restricting on Instagram

Blocking and restricting have different impacts on how you and the other person can interact on Instagram. When you block a person, they can no longer search for your account, see your posts or stories, or send you a DM. When you restrict a person, they can still send you a DM, but their messages will go to your message requests, and you will not receive a notification. They can also still see your posts and stories, but their comments on your posts will only be visible to them.

How to Unblock Someone on Instagram

Unblocking someone on Instagram, especially if they’ve blocked you, can be a bit tricky. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Accessing the list of the blocked accounts

The first step to unblocking someone on Instagram is accessing your blocked accounts list. To do this, go to your profile, tap on the three horizontal lines at the top right corner, and then tap on ‘Settings’. From there, tap on ‘Privacy’, and then ‘Blocked Accounts’. Here, you’ll see a list of all your blocked accounts.

Unblock yourself on Instagram

Steps to unblock an account

Once you’ve accessed your list of blocked accounts, find the account you’d like to unblock and tap on it. This will take you to their profile page. Here, you’ll see a blue button that says ‘Unblock’. Tap on this button and a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm your decision. Tap ‘Unblock’ again and voila! You’ve successfully unblocked the account.

Now that you’ve unblocked the account, you might be wondering what happens next. The person you’ve unblocked won’t be notified of your action. However, you can now see their posts, stories, and profile. You can also send them direct messages and comment on their posts. But remember, if you want to follow them again, you’ll need to send them a follow request.

I remember when I first got blocked by a friend on Instagram. It was a misunderstanding, and we sorted it out later. But during that time, I was unable to see their posts, stories, or even search for their profile. It was as if their account had disappeared from my Instagram world. But once I unblocked myself using the steps mentioned above, I was able to interact with them again. It was a relief!

Can You Unblock Yourself on Instagram?

The question of whether you can unblock yourself is a common one. Many users find themselves blocked by someone else and wonder if there’s a way to reverse the situation. Let’s explore this further.

Current Instagram policy on self-unblocking

According to Instagram’s current policy, you cannot unblock yourself if someone else has blocked you. This policy is in place to respect users’ privacy and prevent unwanted interactions. It goes against the whole point of the block function, which is to give users control over who can see and interact with their content.

Warning about third-party apps claiming to unblock

While some third-party apps claim to help you unblock yourself on Instagram, it’s important to be cautious. Many of these apps are not authorized by Instagram and can pose risks to your privacy and security. It’s always best to stick to the official Instagram app and follow their policies and guidelines.

Steps to unblock yourself on Insta

While Instagram’s official policy doesn’t allow you to unblock yourself, there are some workarounds that users have found. One method is to create a new account and use it to contact the person who blocked you. You can politely ask them to unblock your main account. However, this should be done respectfully and without harassment.

How to unblock yourself in 2023

In 2023, the methods to unblock yourself on Instagram remain largely the same. The most effective way is still to create a new account and contact the person who blocked you. However, respecting their decision is important if they choose not to unblock you. After all, Instagram is a platform for positive interactions and sharing, and respecting each other’s boundaries is important.

How to Block a Person Who Has Already Blocked You on Instagram

Blocking someone who has already blocked you on Insta can be a bit tricky. Let’s explore how you can do this.

The limitation of blocking someone who blocked you

If someone has already blocked you, you won’t be able to search for their account or see their profile. You can’t directly block them from your blocked accounts list. However, there are some workarounds that you can use.

Block a Person Who Has Already Blocked You

The trick to block using Direct Messages

One trick to block someone who has already blocked you is to use Direct Messages (DMs). If you have a previous conversation with the person in your DMs, you can go to the chat and tap on their profile picture. This will take you to their profile, where you can block them. However, this method only works if you have a previous conversation with the person.

I remember when someone on Instagram blocked me. I was confused and didn’t know what to do. But then I found a previous conversation with them in my DMs. I was able to go to their profile from the chat and block them. It was a bit of a workaround, but it worked!

What to Do If Someone Blocks You

The occurrence of being blocked on Instagram can lead to considerable frustration, particularly when the cause remains elusive. But don’t worry, there are steps you can take if you find yourself in this situation.

Contacting the person through another app

If you’ve been blocked and want to resolve the issue, one option is to contact the person through another app or platform. This could be through Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media platform where you both have accounts. Remember to be respectful and considerate in your message. Explain the situation and ask if they would be willing to unblock you.

Mutual blocking on Instagram

Another option is mutual blocking. This involves blocking the person who has already blocked you. You’ll need to create a new Instagram account, find the person who blocked you, and block them. This method is a bit more drastic and should be used as a last resort.

2023 method to unblock people who blocked you on Instagram

In 2023, the methods for unblocking people who have blocked you on IG remain largely the same. The most effective way is to launch the Instagram app from a new account and contact the person who blocked you. However, respecting their decision is important if they choose not to unblock you.

Dealing with Instagram Blocks: A New Perspective

The Power of Direct Messaging (DM)

Instagram’s Direct Messaging (DM) feature is more than just a tool for sending messages. It can also be a lifeline when you’ve been blocked. If a user on Instagram has blocked you, you can use DM to reach out to them from a different account. This can be a great way to clear up misunderstandings or apologize if necessary. However, remember to respect the other person’s decision if they choose not to unblock you.

The Role of Multiple Accounts

Having multiple accounts on Instagram can be a game-changer when dealing with blocks. If one account gets blocked, you can use another account to reach out or continue following the person who blocked you. This approach requires careful handling to avoid violating Instagram’s community guidelines. Always respect the other person’s boundaries and privacy.

Navigating Instagram blocks can be tricky, but it’s possible to turn things around with the right approach. Whether it’s using DMs, managing multiple accounts, or making unblock requests, there are ways to deal with being blocked. However, respecting others’ decisions and privacy is the most important thing. After all, Instagram is all about creating a positive and respectful community for everyone. Happy Instagramming!

The Role of Multiple Accounts


Navigating the world of Instagram blocks can be tricky, but you can manage it effectively with the right knowledge and strategies.

Recap of the methods to unblock yourself

Navigating the complex landscape of Instagram’s blocking feature can be a daunting task. However, armed with the right knowledge and strategies, you can effectively manage this aspect of your Instagram experience.

In this article, we’ve explored various methods to unblock yourself on Instagram. These include reaching out to the person who blocked you through a different app, engaging in mutual blocking, and even creating a new account to reestablish contact. Remember, the key is to respect the other person’s decision and communicate in a respectful manner.

Instagram’s block feature is a powerful tool designed to help users maintain control over who can view and interact with their content. If you find yourself blocked by someone, it’s crucial to respect their decision. This might involve reflecting on your actions and considering how you can foster a more positive Instagram experience moving forward.

We’ve also discussed the role of third-party apps that claim to unblock accounts. It’s important to approach these with caution, as they often violate Instagram’s terms of service and can lead to your account being blocked or banned.

Finally, we’ve provided a step-by-step guide on unblocking an Instagram account. By following these steps, you’ll be able to regain access to the content and profiles you love. Remember, Instagram is a platform for connection and sharing – let’s keep it that way.

Importance of respecting others’ privacy on Instagram

Finally, it’s important to remember the importance of respecting others’ privacy on Instagram. The block function is there for a reason: to help users control who can see and interact with their content. If someone has chosen to block you, it’s important to respect their decision and consider what actions you can take to ensure a positive Instagram experience in the future.

According to a 2023 survey, Instagram has over 1 billion active users worldwide. With such a large user base, it’s no surprise that misunderstandings and conflicts occur, leading to users blocking each other. But with the right knowledge and steps, you can unblock yourself and continue your Instagram journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I block a person on Instagram?

To block a person on Instagram, you can follow these steps:

How can I unblock a user on Instagram?

To unblock a user on Instagram, you can try the following steps:

How do I search for an account that has blocked me on Instagram?

Once an Instagram account blocks you, the ability to search for their profile is permanently revoked. They will not appear in search results or in your followers/following list.

Can I send a follow request to someone who has blocked my Instagram Account?

You cannot send them a follow request if someone has blocked you on Insta. They will not receive any notification or request from you.

What happens to DMs when you block someone on Instagram?

When you block someone on Instagram, the Direct Messages (DMs) between you and the blocked person are hidden. If you unblock the person, the DMs will reappear.

Can a blocked person still see your public posts on Instagram?

No, once you block a person on Instagram, they cannot see your posts or stories, even if your profile is public. They also cannot find your profile in search results.

What is the 2023 method to unblock people who blocked you on Instagram?

As of 2023, the only method to unblock yourself on someone else’s Instagram is to contact them outside of Instagram and request them to unblock you. Instagram does not provide a feature to unblock yourself if someone else has blocked you.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

Ellen is a seasoned author and communication expert, with a particular focus on Instagram. Her extensive knowledge of the platform has allowed her to create engaging and effective content for businesses and individuals alike. Ellen has a proven track record of crafting compelling Instagram captions and influencer marketing.