How to Post Snapchat Snaps to Instagram Stories: A Comprehensive Guide to Cross-Platform Sharing

By: Ellen Bartolino

Ever felt overwhelmed managing both your Snapchat story AND Instagram story? You’re not alone. But what if I told you there’s a way to seamlessly integrate the two? Yes, you can actually add your saved videos and images—including your Snapchat snaps—to your Instagram stories. Let’s dive into how.

The Evolution of Instagram Features in Response to Snapchat

Instagram has always been on its toes, adapting and evolving in response to its competitors, especially Snapchat. With the introduction of Instagram posts and stories, it was evident that Instagram was gearing up to offer something similar, yet unique, to Snapchat’s offerings. But the real game-changer? The ability to share Instagram content directly to Snapchat.

Benefits of Cross-Platform Sharing

Imagine reaching out to your Instagram followers in the morning and your Snapchat audience in the evening with the same content. Sounds efficient, right? Cross-platform sharing not only saves time but also ensures that your content gets maximum visibility across different social media platforms. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to share content from your Instagram to a wider audience.

According to Forbes, in 2023, an estimated 4.9 billion people use social media across the world.

How to post Snapchat on Instagram story

Step-by-Step Guide to Cross-Platform Sharing

How to Add Links to Instagram Stories

Ever stumbled upon an interesting article or product and wished you could instantly link Instagram stories to it? Well, the process is more straightforward than you might imagine. Begin by taking a snap or selecting a photo from your gallery. Then, when you’re in the upper left-hand corner of the Instagram app, tap the ‘your story’ button. Once you’re there, look for the attach-link icon. This feature is especially handy when you know how to share Instagram links effectively. And voila! Your followers can now swipe up and get directed to the link, making story sharing a breeze.

Sharing Instagram Posts on Snapchat

So, you’ve got this amazing Insta post, and you’re confident your Snapchat audience will adore it. But how do you bridge the gap between these two platforms? It’s simpler than it sounds. First, post to your story on Instagram. Once that’s done, manually save or capture the post. Now, head over to Snapchat and share that saved story. Remember, there are some restrictions, and you cannot share everything, but most posts are fair game. It’s that simple and efficient!

Sharing Snapchat Content on Instagram Stories

Now, this is where the real magic unfolds. Took a hilarious snap and believe it’s just the content your Instagram followers would rave about? Here’s what you do: take a snap or select one from your Snapchat memories. Then, download your Snapchat snaps. Once you have the snap saved, you can easily upload it to your Insta stories using the Instagram using feature. A quick tip: ensure the content is less than 24 hours old to be shared on Instagram. This ensures that the story from Snapchat remains fresh and relevant when it appears on Instagram. So, the next time you save the story on Snapchat, remember you’re just a few steps away from sharing it with your Instagram audience, too!

I remember the first time I tried to share my Snapchat story on Instagram. I was so confused about the process, but once I got the hang of it, it became a regular part of my social media routine.

Safety, Control, and User Experience

Safety Measures on Snapchat’s Shared Stories

Safety first, right? Both Snapchat and Instagram prioritize user safety. While Snapchat’s disappearing messages were initially a hit, Instagram took it a notch higher by introducing features that ensure user content is not only fun but also safe. For instance, Instagram allows users to control who views their stories, giving them an edge in terms of privacy. On the other hand, Snapchat followers can only view your content if you’ve added them back, ensuring a two-way consent.

User Control and Content Moderation

Ever felt like you’re losing control over your Instagram account? Well, both platforms have put measures in place to ensure users have maximum control over their content. With the story option, you can choose the story you want to share and even set it to disappear after a certain period. Plus, the option to share with select followers ensures that your content reaches the right audience.

Enhancing User Experience through Cross-Platform Features

It’s all about the user experience! Both platforms have introduced features and functionalities that make cross-platform sharing a breeze. For instance, the stories interface by swiping right on Instagram makes it easy to access and share stories. And the best part? Your story will appear just as vibrant and engaging on both platforms!Stories interface by swiping right


The Competitive Landscape of Social Media

Direct Competition between Instagram and Snapchat

The social media realm is no stranger to competition. Snapchat and Instagram are two giants that have been locking horns for a while now. While both are favorite social media platforms for many, their unique features set them apart. Facebook and Instagram, under the same umbrella, have been working together to introduce features that give Snapchat a run for its money.

The Need for Continuous Innovation in Social Media

In the ever-evolving world of social media, staying stagnant is not an option. Both platforms are continuously introducing how-tos and tutorials to help users make the most of their features. Whether you’re trying to add a new filter or learn how to add a link to your story, both platforms ensure you have all the resources you need.

Facebook’s Strategy in Competing with Snapchat

Here’s the juicy bit we teased earlier! Facebook stories and Instagram stories were introduced as a direct response to Snapchat’s growing popularity. While some critics argue that Facebook merely imitates Snapchat, it’s worth noting that they’ve introduced third-party apps integration and other unique features. And guess what? You can also tap into these features to enhance your social media presence!

According to a report by Sprout Social, Facebook still remains the largest social platform among consumers and marketers. However, time spent on Facebook continues to fall as overall social media usage grows. The study provides insights into the shifting dynamics of social media platforms and the implications for businesses and marketers.


The Future of Cross-Platform Sharing

The digital landscape is evolving, and the future looks exceptionally promising for cross-platform sharing. As social media giants like Snapchat and Insta continue to grow, they’re introducing innovative features like reshare and repost. These features are designed to enhance the user experience, making it easier than ever to share Snapchat stories to Instagram. The download button on Snapchat, for instance, is a game-changer. It allows users to effortlessly save their favorite photos and videos and then share them across other popular social media platforms. Whether you’re an avid user of Snapchat or Instagram, the ease with which you can share Snapchat stories or even add your Snapchat content to Instagram is truly remarkable.

Share snapchat stories to Instagram

Engaging Audience through Innovative Features

In the competitive world of social media, platforms are in a constant race to outdo each other. They are continuously innovating, introducing features that allow you to share your content seamlessly. For instance, if you’ve crafted a perfect story in Instagram and wish to share it on Snapchat, or vice versa, the process is becoming more streamlined. With the new story button located conveniently at the button at the bottom of the Instagram profile, users can easily share a story from one platform to another. And if you’re wondering how to share Instagram posts to Snapchat, or get those Instagram posts to Snapchat stories, the platforms have got you covered. Simply tap the ‘your story’ option, and voila! Your content is ready to be shared. Moreover, if you ever find yourself in the left-hand corner of the home tab and wish to save or capture the content, both platforms recommend using their in-built features. So, whether you want to save the video from a concert you attended or add text to a snap you want to share, the options are endless. Dive in, explore, and make the most of the world of cross-platform sharing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I add multiple Snapchat snaps to my Instagram story at once?

Absolutely! You can add multiple snaps from your Snapchat to your Insta story. Just ensure you’ve saved the snapchat snaps to Instagram stories in your camera roll. Then, when you open Snapchat, select the snaps you want, and use the tap the download option. Once downloaded, you can easily upload them to your IG story. Remember, Instagram does not allow you to directly import from Snapchat, so always save to your camera roll first.

Why can’t I directly link my Snapchat and Instagram accounts?

While it would be super convenient, currently, you cannot link or connect Instagram to Snapchat directly. However, you can share your Snapchat stories or snaps on Instagram by saving them to your camera roll and then uploading them to Instagram. It’s an extra step, but it ensures you can share your story across both platforms.

How do I share a specific Instagram post to my Snapchat story?

To share an Instagram post to Snapchat, first, ensure you have the post saved in your photos or videos. Then, open Snapchat, and use the add Snapchat snaps to Instagram feature to select the post from your camera roll. It’s a simple way to share your Instagram story or post on Snapchat, even if the platforms aren’t directly connected.

Is there a way to share content from Instagram to Snapchat without taking a screenshot?

Yes, instead of taking a screenshot, you can use the tap the download option on Instagram to save the content to your camera roll. Once saved, you can easily share your Snapchat stories or any content to Instagram. It’s a more seamless way, especially if you want to share something without the screenshot notification popping up.

Why is the option to share directly from Instagram to Snapchat not available?

Both Snapchat and Instagram are two of your favorite social media platforms, but they are competitors in the digital space. As a result, direct sharing options like link Instagram to Snapchat or vice versa are not available. However, with the steps mentioned in the article and the follow the steps guide, you can easily bridge the gap and share content across both platforms.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

Ellen is a seasoned author and communication expert, with a particular focus on Instagram. Her extensive knowledge of the platform has allowed her to create engaging and effective content for businesses and individuals alike. Ellen has a proven track record of crafting compelling Instagram captions and influencer marketing.