How to Get Instagram Notifications on Apple Watch: A Step-by-Step Guide

By: Ellen Bartolino

Tired of constantly checking your phone for Instagram updates? What if you could get notifications right on your wrist? With this guide, learn how to seamlessly get Instagram notifications on your Apple Watch. You’ll discover how to allow notifications, open the settings app, and set up your watch to mirror iPhone alerts. No more missing out on important messages or updates! Our guide covers everything from using the Lens app as a workaround since there’s no Instagram app directly available, to ensuring your notification center is primed to keep you connected. Say hello to instant updates and goodbye to the hassle!

How to Get Instagram Notifications on Apple Watch

Enabling Instagram Notifications on Your Apple Watch

Open Apple Watch app on iPhone

Ever felt the urge to stay constantly updated with your Instagram feed, but pulling out your iPhone feels like a chore? Well, your Apple Watch can come to the rescue! Simply grab your iPhone, and fire up the Apple Watch app. Give that “My Watch” tab a gentle tap, and you’re halfway there! This is your first step to a world where every important notification buzzes right on your wrist.

Select “My Watch” and “Notifications”

Next, dive into the “Notifications” section. You know, where all the magic happens. Now, don’t rush; gently scroll through the list until you spot Instagram. Feeling the excitement already?

Turn on Instagram app notifications

Here’s where you bring Instagram into the spotlight. Give the Instagram app toggle a flip to the ON position and voila! You are all set to get Instagram notifications. Now, every time someone likes your post or sends a DM, your wrist will keep you in the loop.

Troubleshooting IG Notifications on Apple Watch

Ensure notifications are enabled in iPhone settings

“But wait, what if I’m not getting any notifications?” No panic! Just stroll into your iPhone’s settings. Yes, that gear icon, you got it! Now, tap “Notifications” and make sure Instagram is singing the same tune. Everything switched on? Great! You’re on the path to never missing a beat.

Check “Show App on Apple Watch” toggle

Still no luck? Time to play detective. Head back to the Watch app on your iPhone. Look out for that “Show App on Apple Watch” toggle. Is it on? If not, give it a swift tap. Now, you should be all synced up!

Contact Apple Support if necessary

If all else fails and you’re still missing out on those Insta updates, don’t lose hope. It might be time to contact Apple. Their support team is like the Sherlock Holmes of tech issues.

Enabling Vibration Notifications for Instagram

Verify Instagram notifications are enabled on iPhone

First things first, let’s make sure your iPhone isn’t playing hide and seek with your Insta notifications. Pop into your phone’s settings and double-check that those notifications are enabled on your iPhone. It’s like flipping a switch to light up your social world!

Set “Custom” and “Vibrate On Silent” in Watch app

Now, for a little customization magic in your Watch app. Ever dreamed of feeling those Insta alerts with just the right buzz? Head to your Watch app and select the “Custom” option. Don’t forget to turn on “Vibrate On Silent”. This way, you won’t miss a beat even when your world is hushed.

Adjust Alert Volume and Haptic Strength on iPhone

Lastly, let’s fine-tune the volume. Dive into the “Sounds & Haptics” section on your iPhone. Adjust that alert volume and haptic strength to your liking. Think Goldilocks – not too loud, not too soft, just perfect!

Adjust Alert Volume

Receiving Snapchat and Instagram Notifications

Enable notifications for both apps on iPhone and Apple Watch

Why limit the fun to Instagram? Let’s bring Snapchat into the party! Make sure you’ve enabled notifications for both Snapchat and Instagram on your iPhone. Then, do the same on your Apple Watch. Now, you’re all set to receive notifications for double the social excitement!

General Troubleshooting for Apple Watch Notifications

Check pairing and connection between iPhone and Apple Watch

Is your Apple Watch unexpectedly quiet? Don’t fret! It’s time to check if your iPhone and Apple Watch are still in sync. They need to be paired and connected – think of it as a vital digital handshake to ensure you receive notifications seamlessly. This connection is crucial for a smooth flow of notifications from Instagram directly to your watch face.

Restart devices and ensure ‘Do Not Disturb’ is off

A quick reboot can be a cure-all sometimes. Restart both your iPhone and Apple Watch. While you’re at it, make sure ‘Do Not Disturb’ isn’t gatekeeping your social updates. This simple act can sometimes flip the switch to restore all your notifications on your Apple devices.

Update the apps

In the digital world, staying updated is staying ahead. Keep an eye on the list of installed apps and ensure everything is up to date, especially any third-party apps you use. An outdated app might miss out on crucial updates, like those from watchOS or the Instagram app installed on your devices. Regular updates will ensure you always get notifications on your Apple Watch without hitches. If you’re using apps like Lens, remember to download the latest version to access new features and improve your experience.

Sudden Lack of Instagram Notifications

Review and adjust notification settings

Suddenly no buzzes or beeps from your favorite app? Time to play detective with your notification settings. Hop onto your iPhone and make sure Instagram isn’t turned off. Sometimes, notifications like to play hide-and-seek, so make sure they’re not turned off. It’s like checking the back of the sofa for the lost remote – sometimes the answer is right there!

Review and adjust notification settings

Troubleshooting Apple Watch Vibration Notifications

Check Haptic Alerts setting

Is your Apple Watch not vibrating with the excitement of Instagram alerts? Take a moment to check the Haptic Alerts setting. This is the heartbeat of your watch’s vibrations. Ensure it’s not on mute, just like you’d fine-tune the volume on your TV. This simple toggle could be the secret to restoring that buzz.

Ensure ‘Do Not Disturb’ is off and notifications are not muted

Is ‘Do Not Disturb’ cutting your connection to the world? This feature can be a silent gatekeeper, preventing notifications from reaching you. Make sure it’s turned off, so your notifications on the Apple Watch sing loud and clear. Don’t let important notifications like replies or Instagram banners slip away in silence.

Possible need for servicing the watch

If your troubleshooting doesn’t unlock the mystery, it might be time to consider servicing your watch. Remember, your Apple Watch needs to stay connected via Bluetooth to your paired iPhone. Ensure all relevant apps are installed on your iPhone, and that you’ve tried restarting both devices. If notifications are still turned off, and you’ve explored options like using a third-party app or ensuring the IG app is installed correctly, it may be time to contact Apple. Their support team is equipped to guide you through more complex issues and get you back to effortlessly accessing stories and receiving messages on your watch.


And there you have it! With your Apple Watch, staying updated with Instagram on your Apple Watch is a breeze. You’ve now mastered how to receive notifications and enjoy real-time updates from your social sphere. Whether your iPhone is locked or asleep, or even when your Apple Watch is locked, you won’t skip a beat. Thanks to the watch app on your phone and the ability to mirror iPhone notifications, your watch transforms into a hub of social connectivity. Dive into your feed, comment on posts, and view your stories – all from your wrist. Enjoy this new level of social convenience!

Apple Watch

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I customize Instagram notifications on my Apple Watch?

Did you know you can customize the type of notifications you get from Instagram? Simply open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, select Instagram, and choose your preferred notification style. From likes to direct messages, control what matters to you.

Is there an Instagram app specifically for the Apple Watch?

As of now, there’s no official Instagram app for the Apple Watch. However, you can use third-party apps like Lens to access Instagram and even browse your feed directly from your watch.

Can I post pictures to Instagram from my Apple Watch?

While you can’t directly post pictures to Instagram from your Apple Watch, you can use it to view notifications and respond to messages. For posting, you’ll need to use the Instagram iPhone app.

How do I use Siri to view Instagram notifications on my Apple Watch?

To quickly view Insta notifications, just ask Siri! Say something like, “Hey Siri, show me my notifications.” This way, you can receive notification alerts or view your Instagram badge updates without even lifting a finger.

Can I disable Instagram notifications at night or during meetings?

Absolutely! To avoid disturbances, go to the Apple Watch app on your iPhone and turn off notifications for Instagram. Or, simply enable ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode on your Apple Watch and iPhone to silence notifications temporarily.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

Ellen is a seasoned author and communication expert, with a particular focus on Instagram. Her extensive knowledge of the platform has allowed her to create engaging and effective content for businesses and individuals alike. Ellen has a proven track record of crafting compelling Instagram captions and influencer marketing.