How to Create Instagram Stories with User-Generated Content: The Best Ways to Use User-Generated Content on Instagram Stories

By: Ellen Bartolino

User-generated content (UGC) has become a cornerstone of effective social media marketing, particularly on platforms like Instagram. Leveraging UGC allows brands to build authenticity, trust, and engagement with their audience. When users create content featuring your product or service, it serves as powerful social proof that can significantly influence potential customers. This guide will show you how to create Instagram Stories with user-generated content, helping you maximize the impact of your Instagram strategy. Whether you are looking to boost engagement, showcase authentic content, or build a robust Instagram presence, integrating UGC into your Instagram Stories is a strategy you can’t afford to ignore.

How to create instagram stories with user-generated content

Benefits of Using User-Generated Content on Instagram

Boost Engagement on Instagram

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool to boost engagement on Instagram. When users see real people using your product or service, it creates a sense of community and authenticity that encourages them to interact with your posts. Engagement rates often increase as users are more likely to comment, like, and share posts that feature relatable content created by other users. This kind of authentic content not only captures attention but also fosters a deeper connection with your brand.

Build Trust with Your Audience

Incorporating user-generated content into your Instagram strategy helps build trust with your audience. Potential customers tend to trust peer recommendations more than traditional advertisements. By showcasing content created by users who genuinely enjoy your product or service, you provide social proof that can alleviate doubts and reinforce brand credibility. This trust can translate into higher conversion rates and long-term customer loyalty.

The Power of UGC for Brands

The power of UGC for brands lies in its ability to humanize marketing efforts. When users share their experiences and stories about your brand, it creates a rich narrative that resonates more deeply than corporate messages. User-generated content campaigns can amplify your brand’s reach and impact by tapping into the creativity and enthusiasm of your followers. By encouraging users to create and share content, you also gain access to a diverse range of perspectives and ideas that can enhance your overall content strategy.

When I first started using user-generated content (UGC) on my Instagram Stories, I was amazed by the immediate boost in engagement. One of my favorite examples is when a customer shared a video using my product in a creative way. I featured this video in my story, tagged the customer, and saw a significant increase in likes and comments. It not only helped build a stronger connection with my audience but also encouraged other followers to share their own content.

Steps to Create Instagram Stories with User-Generated Content

Select the Right Content

Choosing the right user-generated content (UGC) is crucial for creating engaging Instagram Stories. Focus on content created by users that aligns with your brand’s image and message. Look for high-quality photos and videos that highlight your product or service in a positive light. Additionally, ensure the content is authentic and resonates with your audience. Using relatable and genuine UGC content will make your stories more impactful and trustworthy.

Get Permission from Users

Before using UGC on Instagram, it’s important to obtain permission from the original content creators. Reach out to users and ask for their consent to use their content in your Insta Stories. This not only respects their rights but also builds a positive relationship with your audience. You can send a direct message or leave a comment on their post requesting permission. Once granted, you can confidently share their content, knowing you have their approval.

Tag and Credit Content Creators

When sharing user-generated content in your Instagram Stories, always tag and credit the original content creators. This acknowledges their contribution and gives them the recognition they deserve. Tagging users also encourages them to engage with your story and share it with their followers, further amplifying your reach. Mentioning and thanking creators in your stories fosters a sense of community and encourages more users to contribute their content in the future.

Best Practices for Curating User-Generated Content

Use Hashtags to Discover Content

One of the best ways to find valuable user-generated content (UGC) is by using hashtags. Encourage your followers to use specific branded hashtags related to your product or service. This makes it easier for you to discover and aggregate content created by your users. You can also search for popular industry-specific hashtags to find content that aligns with your brand. By monitoring these hashtags, you can identify and curate the best content for your Instagram Stories.

Another successful instance was during a campaign where I encouraged followers to use a branded hashtag. I created a contest where participants could win a free product by sharing their experiences with my brand. The response was overwhelming, and the UGC generated from this campaign filled my content calendar for weeks. It was inspiring to see the diverse and authentic ways people used my products, and the campaign significantly increased my follower count.

Effectively leverage user-generated content

Share UGC on Instagram Stories

Sharing UGC on IG Stories is an excellent way to keep your content fresh and engaging. User-generated content not only adds variety to your stories but also provides authentic testimonials about your brand. Regularly feature UGC in your stories to showcase real-life applications of your product or service. This approach not only enhances your brand’s credibility but also encourages more users to share their experiences with your brand.

Analyze Story Performance

To make the most out of your user-generated content strategy, it’s essential to analyze the performance of your Stories. Use Instagram Insights to track metrics such as views, engagement, and completion rates. Identify which types of UGC content resonate the most with your audience and refine your content strategy accordingly. By understanding what works and what doesn’t, you can continuously improve your Instagram Stories and maximize the impact of your UGC.

Tools to Help You Source User-Generated Content

Content Aggregation Tools

Content aggregation tools are invaluable for finding and curating user-generated content (UGC). Tools like Taggbox, Pixlee, and allow you to collect and display UGC from various social media platforms, including Instagram. These tools can help you streamline the process of sourcing, managing, and showcasing content created by users. By using content aggregation tools, you can efficiently find high-quality UGC that aligns with your brand’s message and aesthetic.

Social Media Management Platforms

Social media management platforms such as Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social offer features that can help you monitor and curate user-generated content. These platforms allow you to track specific hashtags, keywords, and mentions related to your brand or product or service. By leveraging these tools, you can easily identify and engage with users who are creating content about your brand. This helps you stay on top of the latest UGC trends and integrate them into your Instagram Stories seamlessly.

User-Generated Content Platforms

Dedicated user-generated content platforms like TINT, Yotpo, and Bazaarvoice specialize in helping brands collect, curate, and display UGC. These platforms offer a range of features, from content rights management to advanced analytics, ensuring that you can effectively leverage user-generated content in your marketing efforts. Using UGC platforms can enhance your ability to source authentic content, build trust with your audience, and boost engagement on Instagram.

Effectively leverage user-generated content

Examples of Successful Instagram Stories with User-Generated Content

Brand Campaigns on Instagram

Many brands have successfully utilized user-generated content (UGC) in their Instagram campaigns. For instance, Starbucks frequently features content created by users enjoying their beverages, showcasing authentic customer experiences. These campaigns not only highlight the versatility of their products but also build a community around the brand. By encouraging users to share their experiences with specific hashtags, Starbucks effectively curates a wealth of UGC that can be repurposed for their Insta Stories.

Engaging Instagram Accounts

Some Instagram accounts are known for their exceptional use of user-generated content. GoPro, for example, leverages UGC to display stunning visuals captured by their customers. By sharing these images and videos in their Instagram Stories, GoPro creates a dynamic and engaging feed that resonates with adventure enthusiasts. This strategy not only provides fresh and exciting content but also encourages other users to share their own experiences with GoPro products.

Creative Use of User-Generated Content on Instagram

Creativity is key when incorporating user-generated content into your Instagram Stories. Brands like Airbnb have mastered this by showcasing unique and diverse travel experiences from their users. By featuring real-life stories and authentic content, Airbnb not only promotes their accommodations but also inspires potential customers. This creative use of UGC helps build an emotional connection with the audience and demonstrates the brand’s commitment to community and authenticity.

In 2023, Glossier, a well-known beauty brand, leveraged user-generated content to enhance their Instagram marketing strategy. They launched a campaign encouraging users to share their makeup looks using the hashtag #GlossierIRL. The campaign resulted in thousands of posts featuring Glossier products, creating a wealth of authentic content. By featuring these posts in their Stories and feed, Glossier not only boosted engagement but also built a community of loyal customers who felt personally connected to the brand.


Incorporating user-generated content (UGC) into your Instagram Stories is a highly effective strategy to enhance your brand’s presence on social media. By leveraging authentic content created by users, you can build trust, increase engagement, and showcase your product or service in real-world scenarios. From using hashtags to discover content to tagging and crediting content creators, the steps outlined in this guide will help you create compelling Instagram Stories that resonate with your audience. Utilizing tools and platforms designed for UGC can further streamline the process, making it easier to find and share high-quality content. By studying successful examples from other brands, you can gain inspiration and implement best practices to make the most of user-generated content in your marketing efforts. Embrace the power of UGC and watch your Instagram engagement soar as you connect more deeply with your followers and showcase the authentic experiences of your satisfied customers.

Showcase your product or service in real-world scenarios

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I encourage my followers to share user-generated content on Instagram?

Encourage your followers to share user-generated content by hosting contests, offering incentives, and showcasing their posts on your Instagram Stories. Use calls-to-action in your posts and Instagram bio to invite followers to create and share content related to your brand.

What type of content works best for user-generated content campaigns on Instagram?

The best types of content for user-generated content campaigns include product reviews, unboxing videos, before-and-after photos, and creative uses of your product. Encouraging users to share their personal experiences and stories can generate engaging and relatable Instagram content.

How do I effectively use branded hashtags to collect user-generated content?

Create and promote a unique branded hashtag that your followers can use when posting about your product or service. Regularly monitor this hashtag to discover and engage with new user-generated content. Featuring posts that use your branded hashtag can also encourage more followers to participate.

How can I leverage user-generated content across other social media channels?

Repurpose user-generated content across different social media channels to maximize its impact. Share UGC on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and incorporate it into your website and email marketing campaigns. This approach not only increases your content’s reach but also provides a cohesive brand experience.

What are some ways to maintain a consistent flow of user-generated content?

Maintain a consistent flow of user-generated content by continuously engaging with your audience and encouraging content creation. Run regular campaigns, feature customer stories, and provide incentives for followers to share their experiences. Using a content calendar can help you plan and schedule UGC to ensure a steady stream of fresh content.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

Ellen is a seasoned author and communication expert, with a particular focus on Instagram. Her extensive knowledge of the platform has allowed her to create engaging and effective content for businesses and individuals alike. Ellen has a proven track record of crafting compelling Instagram captions and influencer marketing.