How to Create Instagram Stories with Location Tags for Maximum Engagement: Adding and Using Instagram Location Tags Effectively

By: Ellen Bartolino

Instagram Stories have become an essential tool for brands, creators, and everyday users to connect with their audience. One feature that can significantly boost engagement and reach is the use of location tags. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to create location stories, why they’re beneficial, and how to maximize their potential. Whether you’re looking to create a custom location on Instagram, add a location on Facebook, or use location stickers creatively, this guide has you covered.

We’ll explore how to add custom locations, the benefits of using location tags for Instagram for business, and the steps to create new custom locations. You’ll also learn how to use Google Maps to help you find and locate places, and how to leverage these tags to grow your audience. Let’s dive in and discover the best way to create engaging and effective location stories on Instagram.

How to create instagram stories with location tags

Why Use Location Tags in Instagram Stories?

Benefits of Using Location Tags

Using location tags in your Instagram Stories can provide numerous advantages. One of the primary benefits is increased visibility. When you add a location tag, your story becomes discoverable to anyone who searches for that specific location. This can significantly boost your reach, especially if the location is popular or relevant to a broader audience.

Another benefit is enhanced engagement. Location tags make your content more relevant and relatable to users in that area. This can lead to higher interaction rates, such as more views, likes, and comments. For businesses, this is particularly useful as it helps attract local customers who are more likely to visit your physical location or engage with your brand.

Using location tags can also improve your marketing efforts. By tagging your stories with specific locations, you can target your content to particular geographic areas, making your campaigns more effective. This is especially beneficial for local businesses aiming to attract nearby customers.

How Location Tags Increase Engagement

Location tags not only increase the visibility of your stories but also enhance user engagement. When users see a location tag, they are more likely to engage with the content, especially if they are familiar with or interested in the location. This familiarity creates a sense of connection and encourages users to interact with your story.

Moreover, location tags can help you tap into local trends and events. By tagging your stories with locations that are currently trending or hosting events, you can attract a larger audience interested in those events. This is a great way to stay relevant and keep your audience engaged with timely and location-specific content.

For brands and influencers, location tags can also serve as a valuable tool for collaboration. By tagging locations where you collaborate with other brands or influencers, you can cross-promote each other’s content and reach a wider audience. This collaborative approach not only increases your reach but also strengthens your network within the social media community.

How to Add Location Tags to Your Instagram Stories

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Location Tags

Adding location tags to your Instagram Stories is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and swipe right to access the camera for stories.
  2. Capture a photo or video, or choose one from your gallery.
  3. Tap the sticker icon at the top of the screen.
  4. Select the Location sticker from the sticker menu.
  5. Type in the location name you want to add. Instagram will suggest locations based on your input.
  6. Choose the correct location from the list.
  7. Position the sticker on your story as desired. You can resize and move it around the screen.
  8. Once you’re satisfied with the placement, tap “Your Story” to share it with your followers.

This simple process ensures that your story is tagged with the desired location, making it discoverable to users who are interested in that area.

Best Practices for Using Location Tags

To maximize the benefits of location tags, consider these best practices:

  • Be specific: When adding a location tag, be as specific as possible. Instead of just tagging a city, tag the exact venue or neighborhood. This increases the chances of your story being discovered by people looking for that specific location.
  • Stay relevant: Use location tags that are relevant to your content. Tagging unrelated locations can confuse your audience and reduce engagement.
  • Combine with hashtags: Enhance your story’s discoverability by combining location tags with relevant hashtags. This can help you reach a broader audience who are searching for both the location and the topic of your content.
  • Check trends: Monitor trending locations and tag them in your stories when appropriate. This can help you tap into larger audiences and increase engagement.
  • Respect privacy: Be mindful of privacy when tagging locations. Avoid tagging private residences or sensitive locations without permission.

By following these best practices, you can effectively use location tags to enhance your Instagram Stories and reach a wider audience.

In 2023, Starbucks launched a campaign to promote their new store openings using location tags on Instagram. By tagging the specific locations of new stores in their posts and stories, they were able to attract local customers and increase foot traffic. This strategy was particularly effective in urban areas where people actively search for nearby cafes. The campaign resulted in a 25% increase in visits to new stores within the first month of opening.

Combining location tags with relevant hashtags

Creating Custom Location Tags on Instagram

How to Create a New Location on Instagram

If you want to create a new location on Instagram, especially for your business or event, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device. Note that Instagram uses Facebook’s location services to create custom locations.
  2. Tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) and select “Check-in.”
  3. In the search bar, type in the name of the location you want to create. If it doesn’t exist, you’ll see an option to “Add [Location Name]” at the bottom.
  4. Select “Add [Location Name]” and fill in the required details, such as the location name, address, and category.
  5. Tap “Create” to add the new location to Facebook.
  6. Open Instagram and create a new story.
  7. Tap the sticker icon and select “Location.” Type in the new location name you created on Facebook.
  8. Select the location from the list, and it will now be available for tagging in your Instagram Stories.

By creating a custom location, you can ensure your business or event is easily discoverable by your audience.

Using Custom Location Tags to Boost Your Visibility

Custom location tags can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility on Instagram. Here’s how:

  • Brand recognition: Custom locations can include your business name, making it easy for users to identify your brand and visit your physical location.
  • Event promotion: For events, custom locations help attendees and interested users find and engage with event-related content.
  • Unique identity: Stand out from the competition by creating unique location tags that reflect your brand’s identity and offerings.

When users see a custom location, it adds a layer of authenticity and professionalism to your content, encouraging more interaction and follow-through.

Using Location Tags in Different Instagram Formats

Location Tags in Instagram Reels and Posts

Location tags aren’t limited to Instagram Stories; they can also be effectively used in Instagram Reels and regular posts. Here’s how you can use them:

Instagram Reels:

  1. Open Instagram and swipe right to access the camera.
  2. Select the Reels option at the bottom.
  3. Record your reel or upload a pre-recorded video.
  4. Tap on “Next,” then tap on “Add location” below the caption field.
  5. Type in and select the desired location.

Instagram Reels

Instagram Posts:

  1. Tap the “+” icon to create a new post.
  2. Upload your photo or video and apply any desired filters.
  3. Tap “Next,” then tap on “Add Location.”
  4. Type in the location name and select it from the list.
  5. Complete your post by adding a caption, tags, and any other details.

Using location tags in reels and posts can enhance your content’s discoverability and engagement, just like in stories. They allow users to find your content when they search for or explore specific locations.

As a small business owner, I often collaborate with other local businesses for cross-promotion. I recently partnered with a nearby coffee shop for a special promotion. By tagging their location in my stories and posts, I was able to drive more traffic to both our businesses. The location tag made it easy for my followers to find the coffee shop and participate in our promotion, resulting in a noticeable increase in foot traffic and sales for both of us.

How to Use Location Tags in Instagram Carousels

Instagram carousels allow you to share multiple photos or videos in a single post, and you can still use location tags effectively:

  1. Tap the “+” icon to create a new post and select “Carousel” (multiple photos).
  2. Upload the images or videos you want to include.
  3. Tap “Next,” then tap on “Add Location.”
  4. Enter the desired location and select it from the list.

Even though only one location tag is added to the entire carousel, it helps in making the whole post discoverable based on that location. This is particularly useful for storytelling or showcasing multiple aspects of a single location or event.

By incorporating location tags in different Instagram formats, you can consistently improve your content’s reach and engagement across the platform.

Advanced Tips for Maximizing Location Tags

Creative Ways to Use Location Stickers

Location stickers can be used creatively to make your Instagram Stories more engaging and informative. Here are some tips:

  1. Highlight Local Events: Use locations to showcase local events. This will not only inform your followers but also help attract people who are interested in those events.
  2. Promote Local Businesses: If you’re visiting or collaborating with a local business, tag their location in your stories. This can foster community relationships and cross-promotion.
  3. Storytelling: Create a narrative by using these stickers to show different parts of a journey or event. This can make your stories more engaging and relatable.
  4. User Interaction: Encourage your followers to use location stickers and tag your business or event. Feature their stories on your profile page to increase engagement and build a community around your brand.

Feature their stories on your profile page

Leveraging Geotags for Better Reach

Geotags can significantly enhance the reach of your posts and stories. Here’s how to leverage them effectively:

  1. Target Local Audiences: By using geotags, you can attract users who are in the vicinity of your tagged location. This is particularly useful for local businesses looking to increase foot traffic to their place of business.
  2. Participate in Local Trends: Tag locations that are currently trending or hosting popular events. This can increase the visibility of your content to users interested in those trends.
  3. Combine with Hashtags: Pair geotags with relevant hashtag stickers to amplify your reach. This combination makes your content discoverable through both location and topic searches.
  4. Analyze Performance: Use Instagram’s insights to track the performance of your geotagged posts. This can help you understand which locations drive the most engagement and refine your strategy accordingly.

By implementing these advanced tips, you can maximize the potential of location tags and geotags, enhancing your overall Instagram strategy. Whether you want to create a location or add a custom location on Instagram, these strategies can help you make the most of this feature and grow your audience effectively.

Last summer, I organized a local food festival in my town. By using location tags in my Instagram Stories, I was able to attract a significant number of local attendees. I tagged the exact location of the event, used relevant hashtag stickers, and even encouraged attendees to tag the location in their posts. This not only boosted the visibility of the event but also created a sense of community as people shared their experiences online.


Incorporating location tags into your Instagram Stories, Reels, and posts can greatly enhance your visibility and engagement on the platform. Whether you’re looking to create a custom location, promote local events, or simply make your content more discoverable, location tags offer a powerful tool for reaching a broader audience.

By following best practices and leveraging creative uses of location stickers and geotags, you can effectively connect with users interested in specific areas, enhance your marketing efforts, and build a more engaged community. As you continue to explore and use these features, you’ll find that location tags can play a crucial role in your overall Instagram strategy, helping you to stand out in a crowded social media landscape.

Incorporating location tags into your Instagram Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a custom location tag for my Instagram Stories?

To create a custom location tag for your Instagram Stories:

  1. Use the Facebook app to create a new location (detailed steps covered in the article).
  2. Once created, open Instagram and create a new story.
  3. Tap the sticker icon and select “Location.”
  4. Type in the name of the custom location you created and select it from the list.

Can I create a custom geotag on Instagram without using Facebook?

Currently, you cannot directly create a custom geotag on Instagram without using the Facebook app. Instagram relies on Facebook’s location services to create and manage custom locations.

What is the advantage of using location tags for small businesses on Instagram?

Using location tags provides several advantages for small businesses:

  • Enhanced local visibility: Attracts local customers by making your content discoverable to users near your business location.
  • Increased engagement: Encourages interactions from users who find your business through location tags.
  • Effective marketing: Helps in targeting specific geographic areas for promotions and events.

How can I ensure my custom location tag is clickable on Instagram?

To ensure your custom location tag is clickable:

  1. Verify that the location is correctly created on Facebook with accurate details.
  2. When adding the location to your Instagram story or post, select it from the suggestions list to ensure it’s linked correctly.

Are there any privacy concerns with using location tags on Instagram?

Yes, there are privacy concerns with using location tags:

  • Personal safety: Avoid tagging your home or private locations to prevent sharing sensitive information.
  • Business privacy: Ensure that only public locations are tagged to avoid any unintended exposure of private or sensitive areas.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

Ellen is a seasoned author and communication expert, with a particular focus on Instagram. Her extensive knowledge of the platform has allowed her to create engaging and effective content for businesses and individuals alike. Ellen has a proven track record of crafting compelling Instagram captions and influencer marketing.