How to Create a Sound on Instagram Reel: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Audio on Instagram

By: Ellen Bartolino

You’ve probably noticed that your Instagram Reel views aren’t skyrocketing as you expected. Everyone seems to be using the same overplayed tracks, making it hard to stand out. Imagine scrolling through Reels and hearing the same tune for the 10th time; it’s a snooze fest, isn’t it? Enter original audio—your golden ticket to not only capturing attention but also making your Reels uniquely yours. And guess what? According to 2023 statistics, Reels with original audio get 25% more engagement!

How to Create a Sound on Instagram Reel

The Importance of Original Audio in Instagram Stories and Reels

Let’s get real—original audio isn’t just a fad; it’s a game-changer. While Instagram Stories are great for quick updates, Reels on Instagram offer a playground for creativity.

Why You Should Consider Creating Your Own Soundtracks for Reels on Instagram

Remember that time I tried using a popular track for my Reel, and it barely got any traction? Then I switched to original audio, and boom! My views doubled overnight. Trust me, creating your own soundtracks for your Reels is like donning a custom-made outfit—people notice.

How to Import and Create Original Audio for Your Instagram Reels

Alright, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. Importing your own original audio into an Instagram Reel isn’t as complicated as it sounds.

Using LALAL.AI for Audio Stem Splitting

Ever heard of LALAL.AI? It’s this nifty tool that lets you separate vocals and instrumentals from any audio track. All you have to do is upload the track, and voila! You have a brand-new audio library to choose from.

Pro Tips: Creating Audio for Reels Like a Pro

So you want to sound like a pro, huh? Here’s a quick tip: don’t just settle for one audio clip. Mix and match different sound effects to create a unique auditory experience. Remember my friend Sarah? She used a blend of nature sounds and instrumental music, and her Reel went viral!

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Your Own Audio to Instagram Reels

So you’re ready to dive into the world of Instagram Reels, huh? But wait, you’re not just going to slap on any old track, are you? Nah, you’re smarter than that. Let’s go through a step-by-step guide on how to add music to your Instagram Reels video.

For Android Users: How to Add Music to Your Instagram Reels

Hey Android users, this one’s for you! First, open your Instagram app and swipe right to the Reels section. Tap on the music icon and then hit the “Browse” tab. But here’s the kicker: instead of choosing from the list, tap on the “Your Library” section. Yep, you can add music from your own device right into your Instagram Reels. I tried this last week, and let me tell you, my Reel was a hit!

For iPhone Users: Import Your Own Audio Clips

Alright, iPhone fam, your turn. Open Instagram and head over to Reels. See that audio clip icon? Tap it. Now, instead of going with the flow, be a rebel and import your own audio. Just hit the “Import” button and choose an audio clip from your library.

I did this for a cooking Reel, and the personalized background music made my dish look even tastier!

audio clip icon

Advanced Tips for Marketers: Mastering Instagram Reels

Okay, marketers, listen up! You’re not just creating Reels; you’re building a brand. So let’s talk about how to make those viral Instagram Reels that’ll get your audience hooked.

Mixing Existing Audio Clips for Viral Instagram Reels

You don’t always have to start from scratch. Sometimes, mixing existing audio clips can create a unique sound that goes viral. Open your audio library, pick a couple of tracks, and blend them together. I did this for a product launch Reel, and guess what? It got featured on Instagram’s Explore page!

Downloading Trending Music for Original Audios

Want to keep up with the trends but still be original? Easy peasy. Go to your music library and look for trending audio tracks. Download them and mix them up a bit—add some voiceover, throw in some sound effects, and make it your own. According to a 2023 case study, Reels that use trending but modified tracks see a 30% increase in engagement.

Why Use Instagram Reels for Your Brand?

So you’ve got a brand, and you’re wondering if Instagram Reels is the right playground for you. Well, spoiler alert: it is.

According to 2023 statistics, brands that actively post Reels content see a 40% increase in engagement compared to those who don’t.

The Popularity and Impact of Short Video Content on Instagram

Let’s talk about video content, shall we? In the age of TikTok and YouTube Shorts, short-form videos are the new black. They’re quick, they’re snappy, and they get straight to the point. Perfect for capturing your target audience, right? I once posted a 15-second Reel showcasing a new product, and the response was overwhelming. It’s like people don’t have the patience for long videos anymore!

Conclusion: Leveraging Original Sounds for Greater Engagement

Alright, we’ve covered a lot, but here’s the grand finale. If you’re a content marketer or a brand’s social media guru looking for tips for making your Reels pop, listen up. We’ve shown you how to add audio on Instagram, specifically music to Instagram reels, and trust us, once you know how to add your own tunes, you’ll take your reels to the next level.

Whether you’re aiming to create a reel with Instagram’s music library or music in the background from your own camera roll, we’ve got you covered. Follow these steps and you’ll be a pro at creating a reel using various music or audio options.

And hey, you’d better believe that you’ll also find the right song to match your brand’s vibe. We’ve even touched on how to start creating hands-free reels, so you can focus on the content rather than fumbling with the camera icon. Just tap the three dots in the app and select the hands-free option.

As a marketer, you should know that Reels with original sounds are shared 20% more than those with generic music. So if you’re not leveraging original sounds, you’re missing out on a whole level of engagement. I tried this strategy last month, and my Reels were shared more than ever before!

How to add audio on Instagram

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Upload My Own Audio Files for Instagram Reels?

If you’re looking to upload your own audio files for your next Instagram Reel, you’re in luck! Instagram allows you to upload MP3 files directly from your device. Just tap the audio icon at the top right of the Reels interface, and you’ll see an option to upload from your device. Make sure your audio files are in the correct format, and you’re good to go!

Can I Schedule My Instagram Reels in Advance?

Yes, you can schedule your Instagram Reels in advance using third-party tools like Buffer or Hootsuite. This is a great strategy for brands who want to maintain a consistent posting schedule. Just upload it on Instagram through the tool, select the audio and visuals, and set the time and date you’d like it to go live.

How Do I Add Subtitles or Transcripts to My Reels?

If you’re looking to create more accessible content, adding subtitles or a transkript is a great idea. Some third-party apps automatically generate subtitles for you. Just upload your video, and the app will do the rest. Alternatively, you can manually add them by tapping the text icon in the Reels editor.

Can I Use Canva to Create Templates for My Instagram Reels?

Absolutely, Canva is a fantastic tool for creating engaging content for your Reels. They offer a variety of templates specifically designed for Instagram Reels. Once you’ve created your masterpiece, just download it and upload it on Instagram. It’s a great way to give your content a professional touch.

How Do I Add Voiceovers to My Reels?

Want to add audio commentary to your Reels? No problem! After you record a reel, tap the microphone icon to add a voiceover. You can adjust the volume slider, toggle between your voiceovers and original audio, and even add sound effects for extra flair.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

Ellen is a seasoned author and communication expert, with a particular focus on Instagram. Her extensive knowledge of the platform has allowed her to create engaging and effective content for businesses and individuals alike. Ellen has a proven track record of crafting compelling Instagram captions and influencer marketing.