Beat the Clock: How to Change Instagram Name Before 14 Days

By: Ellen Bartolino

How to Change Instagram Name Before 14 Days: Quick & Easy Guide

Ever found yourself itching to change your Instagram name before 14 days have passed, only to be halted by Instagram’s rules? You’re not the only one. This predicament is more common than you might think, but luckily, there are ways to navigate it.

It can be quite a letdown, right? You’ve finally settled on the perfect name on Instagram, only to be told by the app to wait an agonizingly long period.

But fret not! This article is your comprehensive guide on how to change your Insta name within the 14-day restriction. So, let’s unravel this mystery together and find a solution that allows you to change your username and truly express yourself on the platform.

Whether you’re looking to rebrand your business name, recover from a prank, or simply want a fresh start, we’ve got you covered. So, buckle up and let’s dive into the world of Instagram name changes!

Understanding Instagram’s Name Change Policy

Before we dive into the specifics, it’s crucial to comprehend the distinction between your display name and username on Instagram.

Your Instagram username is unique to you, and it’s the tool people use to find you on the platform. It’s the name on Instagram before 14 days, weeks, or months that you’ve decided to change it. Your display name, conversely, doesn’t have to be unique. It’s the title people see when they visit your profile and view your posts. Instagram allows you to change the name on your profile as frequently as you wish, but when it comes to changing the username? That’s a different story.

Instagram has implemented certain restrictions when it comes to changing your display name and username. These changes were made after Instagram changed its policies due to reports of scams on Instagram.

You can change your display name whenever you desire, but Instagram requires you to wait 14 days before you can change your username again. This rule applies even if you’re trying to get the option to edit your username back to its original form. This can be a bit of a letdown if you’re trying to rebrand, want a fresh start, or made a mistake and want to correct the username.

Instagram’s policy on name changes

Instagram implemented the 14-day policy as a security measure to prevent misuse and protect its users from scams. While this is a commendable initiative, it can pose an inconvenience for those who legitimately want to change their Instagram name within 14 days of the last change. But don’t fret, we’ve got some strategies to help you navigate around this restriction.

According to a 2023 report, Instagram boasts a staggering user base of over 1.074 billion users worldwide. With such a vast and diverse community, having a unique and memorable username is more important than ever. So, let’s delve into how to change your username before the 14-day period.

There have been rumors that connecting a VPN should be connected to bypass this restriction, but Instagram has not confirmed this. It’s always best to follow the rules set by the platform to avoid any potential issues.

If you’re trying to change your Instagram name within 14 days of the last change, you’ll receive a message stating that you’re unable to change your name now. This is part of Instagram’s efforts to maintain the integrity of the platform and prevent misuse.

It’s also worth noting that if you’re using a free product version of Instagram, the available version may have different rules and restrictions. Always make sure to check the most recent guidelines and policies before making changes to your account, and finally, remember to choose your username wisely. After all, it’s how people on Instagram identify you.

Changing Instagram Name

So, you’re ready to make a change and give your Instagram profile a fresh look. Let’s start with how to change your display name on Instagram.

Firstly, you need to login to Instagram. You can do this either through your browser and go to Instagram’s site or access your account from the app. Once you’re logged in, navigate to your profile. Here’s how to change your username: tap on ‘Edit Profile,’ and then you’ll be able to change your name. However, remember that Instagram’s policy doesn’t allow you to change your username as often as you’d like. If you’ve recently changed it, you’ll have to wait another 14 days before making another change.

This process is similar to changing your display name. You’ll need to go to your profile, tap ‘Edit Profile,’ and then tap ‘Username.’ Here, you can enter your new username. But remember, Instagram requires you to wait 14 days before you can change your username again. So, choose wisely!

But what if you want to change your Insta name without waiting 14 days? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

There’s a little trick that many Instagram users have found to bypass the 14-day restriction. You’ll need to go to your Instagram settings, then to ‘Help,’ and finally to ‘Report a Problem.’ Here, you can explain that you’re unable to change your username and ask for assistance. Many users have reported success with this method.

But what if you’ve changed your IG name twice within 14 days and want to change it again? Here’s what you can do.

You’ll need to wait until the 14-day period is over before you can change your username again. But in the meantime, you can change your display name to reflect your new username. This way, your followers can get used to your new name before you make the official switch.

Here’s a personal experience that might help. I once wanted to change my Instagram username, but I had already changed it twice within 14 days. So, I changed my display name to my desired username and waited for the 14-day period to end. When I could finally change my username, my followers were already used to my new name, and the transition was seamless.

Overcoming Instagram’s Name Change Restrictions

Now that you know how to change your Instagram name, let’s talk about how to overcome Instagram’s name change restrictions.

There are certain conditions for changing your display name before 14 days. For instance, if your account has been hacked and your username has been changed, Instagram may allow you to change your username before the 14-day period.

If you’re unable to change your name on Instagram, you can try clearing your cache, uninstalling and reinstalling the app, or even using a different device. If all else fails, you can contact Instagram support for help.

First, try changing your username from a different device or browser. Second, make sure your desired username meets Instagram’s guidelines. And third, if you’re still unable to change your username, consider creating a new account with your desired username.

Here’s a case study that might help. In 2023, a business owner wanted to change their Instagram username to better reflect their brand. However, they were unable to do so due to the 14-day restriction. They contacted Instagram support, explained their situation, and were able to change their username immediately. This goes to show that with a little persistence and the right approach, you can overcome Instagram’s name-change restrictions.

Instagram Name Change Restrictions

Instagram Name Change Prank

Now that we’ve covered all the serious stuff about Instagram’s name change policy, let’s lighten the mood a bit. Have you ever heard of the Instagram name-change prank? It’s a harmless, fun-filled prank that involves tricking your friends into changing their Instagram names. Here’s a detailed guide on how to execute this prank.

Firstly, you need to find a friend who’s willing to participate in the prank. This is crucial as you want to ensure that the prank is taken in good spirit. Next, tell them that Instagram has rolled out a new feature that allows them to change their name option as many times as they want. This is where the trick comes in. Encourage them to try it out by logging into their account using the Instagram app or their browser and going to Instagram’s site.

Once they’re on their profile, guide them to tap on ‘Edit Profile,’ and then change their name. Remember, the aim is to get them to change their name twice. Once they’ve changed their name twice, they’ll have to wait another 14 days before they can change it again. And voila, the prank is complete!

Here’s a personal experience to give you a better idea of how this prank works. I once convinced a friend to change their Instagram name to something silly, assuring them they could change it back right away. They fell for it and ended up stuck with a ridiculous username for two weeks. We all had a good laugh, and they learned a valuable lesson about Instagram’s name change policy.

Remember, this prank is all in good fun, but make sure your friend is okay with it before you proceed. After all, they’ll be stuck with their new name for 14 days! Also, it’s worth noting that the available version of Instagram may have different rules and restrictions if you’re using a free product. So, always make sure to check the most recent guidelines and policies before making changes to your account, and finally, remember to choose your username wisely. After all, it’s how people on Instagram identify you.

Securing Your Instagram Account After a Name Change

After successfully changing your Instagram name before 14 days, it’s crucial to ensure the security of your account. With the rise of scams on Instagram, taking a few extra steps can provide peace of mind and protect your online identity.

Firstly, review your list of usernames and passwords. Changing your password after making significant changes to your account, such as a name change, is advisable. This step adds an extra layer of security and prevents unauthorized access to your account.

Next, review your account settings and ensure that your VPN is connected. A VPN provides an extra layer of security by encrypting your internet connection and hiding your online activities. This is especially important if you’re accessing Instagram from a public network or while traveling.

After changing your name, you might receive an email from Instagram. Make sure to open the email and follow any instructions provided. This might include a link to edit your profile or confirm your new name.

While it’s possible to change your Instagram name within 14 days, remember that Instagram’s policies can change. Stay updated with the platform’s rules and guidelines to ensure you’re always in compliance.

If you’re struggling to change your username on Instagram, don’t worry. You have 14 days to change your username after the initial change. There are many ways to change your Insta name, and with a little patience, you’ll be able to find a name that perfectly represents you or your brand.

Remember, Instagram is a platform for expression and creativity. Whether you’re a business owner looking to rebrand, a user who’s fallen victim to a prank, or someone who’s just tired of their old username, you have the ability to change your name on the platform.

Finally, if you’re unable to change a username or if your desired username is taken, don’t despair. Instagram users often change their usernames, and the username you want might become available in the future. In the meantime, consider using a variation of your desired name or adding a unique identifier.

Remember, your name is a reflection of you, so choose wisely.

Change your username on Instagram

Avoiding Instagram Name Change Scams

As you navigate the process of changing your Instagram name before 14 days, it’s crucial to be aware of potential scams. Unfortunately, with the rise of social media, scams have become increasingly common. Here’s how to protect yourself and your Instagram account.

Firstly, never share your username and password with anyone. Scammers often pose as Instagram support and ask for your login details. Remember, Instagram will never ask for your password.

Be cautious if you receive a message or email asking you to change your Insta name without any apparent reason. This could be a scam. Always verify the source of the message and never click on suspicious links.

Ensure your VPN is connected when using Instagram on your Android device or any other platform. This adds an extra layer of security and protects your data from potential hackers.

If you’re asked to change your username or other account details, always do so through the official Instagram app or website. Never use third-party apps or websites as they might not be secure.

Remember, you have the option to edit your profile and change your IG name within 14 days. If you’re unable to change your name, it could be due to Instagram’s policies or a technical issue. In such cases, contact Instagram support directly.

Lastly, be aware of the refund on Instagram scam. Scammers often promise to change your Instagram name without waiting 14 days in return for payment. Remember, Instagram’s services are free, and any such claims are likely scams.

By following these tips, you can safely change your Instagram name and enjoy your experience on the platform. Stay safe and happy Instagramming!


In conclusion, changing your Instagram name before 14 days is possible, but it requires some savvy navigation of Instagram’s policies. Whether you’re looking to freshen up your profile, correct a mistake, or even pull off a harmless prank, this guide has got you covered.

Remember, if you’ve recently changed your username, you’ll need to wait for 14 days before you can change it again. If you’re desperate, you could deactivate your account temporarily, but this should be a last resort.

When choosing a new username, make sure it represents you or your brand accurately. After all, your username and the name on your profile are the first things people see when they visit your Instagram page.

Your username is unique to you, so choose wisely. If you’re not happy with your current name, you have the option to change it. But be careful, if you forget your password, you’ll need to wait at least 24 hours before you can create a new password.

If you’re struggling to come up with a new name, don’t worry. You can change your name twice within 14 days, giving you plenty of time to find the perfect fit. And if you’re not a fan of the Instagram app, you can always make these changes on Instagram on a web browser.

If you notice any unusual activity on your account, make sure to log in with the correct credentials and report the issue to Instagram. If you’re traveling or using a public network, ensure your VPN is connected for extra security.

If you’re having trouble changing your name, check your email. Instagram might have sent you an email with instructions on how to edit your profile. And if you’re looking to change your Instagram name within 14 days, this guide has provided you with all the information you need.

Changing your Instagram name is possible, but it’s not always easy. If you’re not happy with your current name, you can delete your name and create a new display name. But keep in mind, Instagram only allows you to change your username once every 14 days.

You'll need to wait for 14 days before you can change it again

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change my Instagram username?

Yes, you can change your Instagram username. However, changing your username is different from changing your Instagram name.

How can I change my Instagram username?

To change your Instagram username, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Go to your profile by tapping on your profile picture in the bottom right corner.
  3. Tap on the “Edit Profile” button.
  4. In the “Username” field, enter your new desired username.
  5. Tap on the checkmark symbol to save the changes.

Can I change my Instagram display name?

Yes, you can change your Instagram display name. The display name is the name that is shown to others on your Instagram profile.

Why do I have to wait for fourteen days to change my Instagram name?

Instagram implemented this policy to prevent spamming and to ensure that users are not constantly changing their names. The 14-day waiting period helps maintain consistency and stability on the platform.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

Ellen is a seasoned author and communication expert, with a particular focus on Instagram. Her extensive knowledge of the platform has allowed her to create engaging and effective content for businesses and individuals alike. Ellen has a proven track record of crafting compelling Instagram captions and influencer marketing.