How to Create a Custom Instagram Filter for Your Event: Step-by-Step Guide

By: Ellen Bartolino

In the ever-evolving world of social media, augmented reality (AR) has emerged as a game-changer, especially in the realm of Instagram Stories and Snapchat. Instagram AR filters and custom filters have opened up new avenues for brands to engage with their audience in an immersive and interactive way. From creating a special Instagram filter for an event to leveraging Spark AR Studio for brand awareness, the possibilities are endless and highly impactful.

For businesses and individuals looking to create AR experiences, understanding the process of making your own Instagram AR or Snapchat filter is crucial. This not only involves creative design but also a strategic approach to ensure the filter for your brand resonates with your audience. Whether you’re looking to create a custom Instagram filter for a specific event or want to explore filters for Instagram to enhance your Instagram for business, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know.

From the basics of using Instagram and Facebook’s Spark AR Studio to advanced techniques in AR filter creation, you’ll learn how to create your own Instagram or Facebook AR experience. This journey will take you through the steps of conceptualizing a unique AR experience to the final stages of testing and uploading your creation. With the right tools and guidance, you’ll find that creating your own AR can be both a rewarding and enjoyable process, perfect for amplifying your brand’s presence on social media.

As we delve deeper, you’ll discover how to create immersive, interactive AR experiences that can transform the way Instagram users and Facebook users interact with your brand. From superimposing 3D objects in the real world to creating fun ways for users to engage with your brand, the potential of AR filters for Insta stories and Facebook stories is limitless.

In 2023, Instagram Stories advertisements generated approximately $16 billion USD in annual ad revenue, with IG stories accounting for a quarter of that amount.

So, whether you’re a seasoned marketer or new to the world of AR and social media, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to create filters that leave a lasting impression.

How to create an Instagram filter for an event

Getting Started with Spark AR Studio

Entering the world of augmented reality begins with mastering the tools of the trade. Spark AR Studio stands out as a powerful, user-friendly platform for creating Instagram AR filters and Snapchat lenses. Whether you’re aiming to create a filter for your brand or an immersive AR experience for an event, Spark Studio offers the resources you need.

A Beginner’s Guide to Using Spark AR for Instagram and Snapchat

Starting with Spark Studio might seem daunting, but it’s designed for both beginners and professionals. First, download the software, which is available for both Mac and Windows. Familiarize yourself with its interface, especially the scene panel and viewport, the areas where you’ll spend most of your time creating.

Understanding the basics of 3D objects and AR library assets is crucial. Spark Studio offers a variety of pre-made assets and effects, but you can also create your own Instagram AR elements. Experiment with simple effects, like adding a new face filter or superimposing a digital object onto a physical space, to get a feel for the software.

Essential Tools and Features in Spark AR Studio

Next, delve into the unique tools and features of Spark AR. The platform allows you to create custom AR experiences that can be both interactive and immersive. Use the AR library to access a plethora of effects, or create your own from scratch. The preview and test file to Instagram or Facebook features are particularly useful, enabling you to see how your filter works in real-time.

The dropdown menu in the bottom left-hand corner is a gateway to advanced options. Here, you can send your test file, tweak settings, and refine your filter to perfection. Remember, creating a compelling AR experience requires patience and creativity. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different augmented reality effects, 3D objects, and interactive elements.

Spark AR also provides custom filter options to ensure your filter aligns with your brand’s identity. From choosing color schemes to incorporating logos, these options allow you to infuse your brand’s essence into the AR experience.

By the end of this process, you should have a basic understanding of how to use the filter effectively on Instagram or Facebook. With your newfound skills in Spark Studio, you’re ready to take the next step toward creating an unforgettable AR experience for your audience.

Designing Your Custom Instagram Filter

Creating a filter involves more than just technical know-how; it requires a creative touch and a clear understanding of your brand’s identity. Whether it’s for an event, a marketing campaign, or just for fun, your filter should capture the essence of what you’re trying to convey.

Crafting an Engaging Instagram AR Filter for Your Event

When you create a filter for an event, it’s important to think about the theme and atmosphere of the event itself. What emotions do you want to evoke? Should it be fun and playful, or elegant and sophisticated? For instance, a filter for a music festival might include dynamic visual effects and vibrant colors, while a corporate event might call for more subdued, brand-centric elements.

Utilizing Spark AR Studio, you can start building your filter. Begin by choosing a 3D object or effect from the AR library that aligns with your event’s theme. Customization is key here — you can modify shapes, colors, and movements to fit your vision.

Nissan’s Instagram Filter: Nissan collaborated with Wilkins Avenue AR to create an AR Formula E Team’s helmet filter. The event, Feel Electric festival, was held on 19th July 2023 in London’s Covent Garden. It celebrated Nissan’s participation in the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship and transformed the venue into a Cherry Blossom garden. The AR filter was a key marketing tool and a representation of Nissan’s Japanese heritage.

Tips for Creating Immersive AR Filters for Instagram Stories

To ensure your filter stands out, focus on creating an immersive AR experience. This means thinking about how users will interact with it. Will it be a face filter, or will it incorporate elements of the user’s environment? Interactive elements like virtual try-ons or scene transformations can significantly increase engagement.

Another tip is to keep the user experience in mind. The filter should be easy to use and understand. Test your filter thoroughly to ensure it works well under different lighting conditions and on various face shapes and skin tones.

Remember to make use of Instagram’s ‘Try’ and ‘Upload’ features to test how your filter looks in real-life scenarios. This step is crucial for making any necessary adjustments before your filter goes live.

Creating a successful Instagram AR filter for your event or brand involves a blend of creativity, strategy, and technical skills. By following these tips and utilizing the powerful features of Spark AR Studio, you can create a filter that not only looks great but also resonates with your target audience, ultimately enhancing your brand’s presence on Instagram for business.

Additionally, Stories captivate a staggering 70% of Generation Z and hold the attention of 59% of Millennials.

Creating a successful Instagram AR filter for your event

Bringing Your AR Filters to a Wider Audience

Creating an AR filter is only the first step; the next crucial phase is ensuring it reaches and engages your target audience. Whether your filter is for Instagram, Facebook, or both, understanding how to effectively share and promote it is key to maximizing its impact.

Sharing Your Custom Filters on Instagram and Facebook

Once you’ve created your custom AR filter using Spark AR Studio, the next step is to make it available to Instagram users and Facebook users. To do this, you’ll need to go through the submission process on the Spark platform. This involves uploading your filter and waiting for approval from the Instagram or Facebook team, which can take a few days.

After your filter is approved, it’s crucial to promote it effectively. Share it on your Instagram posts and Facebook stories, and encourage attendees of your event or followers to use it. You can also include instructions or suggestions for using your filter in your posts, making it more accessible for users.

Leveraging AR Filters for Instagram Stories to Boost Your Business

AR filters aren’t just fun; they’re a powerful tool for building your brand and enhancing brand awareness. When users share their selfies and stories using your filter, it acts as a form of word-of-mouth marketing. This can lead to increased visibility and engagement, potentially even landing your filter on the explore page.

To further leverage your filter, consider running a contest or challenge that encourages users to share their best photos using the filter. This not only increases engagement but also gives you a wealth of user-generated content that can be repurposed for future marketing campaigns.

By strategically sharing and promoting your custom AR filters on Facebook and Instagram, you can create an interactive experience that resonates with users and leaves a lasting impact on your brand.

Advanced Techniques and Best Practices in AR Filter Creation

As you become more familiar with creating AR filters, it’s time to explore advanced techniques and best practices that can take your creations to the next level. This involves diving deeper into the capabilities of Spark AR Studio and understanding how to create more sophisticated and impactful AR experiences.

Spark AR Studio

Exploring Meta Spark’s Advanced Features

Meta Spark (formerly Spark AR Studio) offers a range of advanced features that allow creators to build more complex and interactive AR experiences. For instance, you can use scripting to create filters that respond to user interactions or environmental changes. This could mean creating a filter that changes with the time of day or reacts when users perform certain actions.

Another advanced feature is the ability to incorporate external 3D objects or animations into your filters. This can significantly enhance the immersive experience of your filter, making it more engaging and memorable.

Case Studies: Successful Custom Instagram Filters for Events

Learning from successful examples is always beneficial. Look at case studies of popular Instagram AR filters created for events or branding purposes. Analyze what made these filters popular – was it their interactivity, the way they enhanced selfies, or how they incorporated brand elements?

For instance, a fashion brand might create a filter that allows users to virtually try on accessories, while a music festival might develop an AR experience that includes animated festival scenes or branded elements that appear in the user’s environment.

These case studies can inspire your own filter creations and help you understand what resonates with Instagram users and leads to higher engagement.

In conclusion, advancing your skills in AR filter creation involves not only technical proficiency in Spark AR Studio but also a deep understanding of your audience and the type of content they enjoy. By combining creativity with these advanced techniques and insights, you can create custom AR filters that truly stand out and make a significant impact on your brand’s presence on Instagram and Facebook.


In the dynamic landscape of social media, AR filters for Insta Stories and Snapchat have emerged as a powerful tool for creating unique, engaging, and immersive experiences. Through platforms like Spark AR Studio and Meta Spark, brands and individuals alike have the opportunity to create custom filters that not only enhance their online presence but also offer a novel way to interact with their audience.

As we’ve explored, the journey of creating an Instagram AR filter involves a blend of creativity, technical skill, and strategic promotion. From the initial steps of conceptualizing and designing a filter in Spark AR Studio to sharing and promoting it on Facebook and Instagram, each phase is crucial for achieving success.

Remember, the key to a successful AR filter lies in its ability to resonate with users. Whether it’s a filter for a special event, a branding campaign, or simply for fun, it should offer an interactive AR experience that’s both enjoyable and memorable. By leveraging the advanced features of Spark AR and adhering to best practices, you can create filters that not only captivate your audience but also elevate your brand’s digital narrative.

In this ever-evolving digital era, embracing augmented reality and its potential can set you apart, making your brand or event unforgettable. So, go ahead, unleash your creativity, and start crafting those amazing AR experiences for your Instagram and Facebook followers!

Amazing AR experiences for your Instagram and Facebook followers

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Tailor an Instagram Filter to Reflect My Brand’s Identity?

Customizing an Instagram filter for your brand involves integrating your brand’s colors, logos, and style. Use Spark AR Studio, available for Mac and Windows, to add unique elements that resonate with your brand. Remember, a well-branded filter can enhance your visibility and engagement on Facebook and Instagram.

What Are the Differences Between Filters on Instagram and Facebook?

While Insta and Facebook filters share many similarities, the main difference lies in their user base and engagement styles. Instagram filters, especially those for stories, tend to be more visually oriented and creative. In contrast, Facebook filters might cater to a broader demographic. Both platforms use computer-generated effects and offer a range of AR effects.

Can I Preview and Test My Custom AR Filter Before Publishing It?

Absolutely! The Try’ and ‘Upload’ buttons in the bottom left-hand corner of the Spark Studio interface, known as the viewport, allow you to preview how your filter moves and interacts in real-world scenarios. This step is crucial to ensure your filter works seamlessly across various devices.

Are There Specific AR Effects That Work Best for Business Events?

For business events, filters that encourage interactivity or shareability are highly effective. Consider AR effects that allow attendees to engage with your brand, like virtual try-ons or interactive games. These not only enhance the event experience but also encourage attendees to share their experiences, boosting your brand’s presence.

What Should I Consider When Creating a Filter for a Global Audience?

When targeting a global audience, consider cultural relevance, inclusivity, and language. Filters that offer a universal appeal, such as those involving popular trends or universal themes, tend to perform well. Additionally, ensure your filter is accessible and easy to use, providing users the opportunity to engage with your brand effortlessly.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

Ellen is a seasoned author and communication expert, with a particular focus on Instagram. Her extensive knowledge of the platform has allowed her to create engaging and effective content for businesses and individuals alike. Ellen has a proven track record of crafting compelling Instagram captions and influencer marketing.