How to Create Instagram Stories with Question Stickers: The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Question Stickers

By: Ellen Bartolino

Instagram Stories have become a dynamic way to engage with your audience, and using question stickers can elevate this interaction. Instagram story question stickers allow you to invite your followers to ask you questions, making your stories more interactive and engaging. This feature not only boosts engagement but also helps you understand what your audience is curious about.

With the ability to use Instagram question stickers, you can ask your audience about their preferences, gather feedback on your products or services, and even host a Q&A session. The process of adding questions to your Instagram Story is straightforward, and this guide will walk you through each step, providing tips on how to maximize the effectiveness of your Instagram question stickers.

Once you’ve added the sticker to your story, followers can tap the sticker to ask a question. You’ll be able to see all the responses and share your answers in subsequent stories. This interactive feature is a great way to give your audience a voice and engage with them on a deeper level.

How to create instagram stories with question stickers

How to Create an Instagram Story with Question Stickers

Creating an Instagram Story with question stickers is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your engagement with followers. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you add the sticker to your stories:

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Question Sticker

  1. Open your story: Start by opening the Instagram app and tapping on your profile picture in the top left corner to create a new story.
  2. Take a photo or video: Capture a new photo or video or choose one from your gallery.
  3. Tap the sticker icon: Once you have your photo or video ready, tap the sticker icon at the top of the screen. This icon looks like a square smiley face.
  4. Select the questions sticker: From the sticker menu, select the “Questions” sticker. This will add a question box to your story.
  5. Add a question: In the question box, type the question you want to ask your followers. You can keep it simple with something like “Ask me anything” or tailor it to a specific topic.
  6. Move the question sticker: Drag the sticker to position it where you want on the screen. You can resize it by pinching it with two fingers.
  7. Share your story: Once you’re happy with the placement, tap “Your Story” at the bottom to share it with your followers.

Using the Instagram Questions Sticker Effectively

To use the Instagram questions sticker effectively, consider these tips:

  • Ask your audience relevant questions that will elicit interesting responses. This can include queries related to your niche, fun questions, or even feedback on a new product.
  • Use the question sticker during Instagram takeovers to allow guest hosts to interact with your followers. This is a great way to introduce your audience to new perspectives.
  • Encourage followers to ask a question by making your stories visually appealing. Use stickers, emojis, and creative fonts to draw attention to the question box.
  • Answering questions: Share the responses in your stories. You can do this by tapping on the response and sharing it along with your answer. This not only engages your audience but also provides valuable content.

By following these steps and tips, you can make the most out of the Instagram questions feature, creating interactive and engaging content that resonates with your followers.

As a fitness influencer, I regularly use the question sticker in my Instagram Stories to engage my followers. I often ask questions like, “What’s your biggest fitness challenge?” or “Which workout routine do you prefer?” The responses help me tailor my content to better meet my audience’s needs and keep them motivated.

Engaging Your Audience with Instagram Question Stickers

Using Instagram question stickers is an excellent way to boost engagement and connect with your followers on a personal level. Here are some strategies and ideas to effectively engage your audience:

Instagram Question Sticker Ideas

  1. “Ask Me a Question”: This is a simple yet effective way to get your audience involved. Encourage them to ask you questions about your life, your business, or any topic of interest.
  2. Product or Service Feedback: Gather feedback on a new product or service. Ask your audience what they like, what could be improved, or what they would like to see in the future.
  3. Poll Stickers: Combine question stickers with poll stickers to make your stories even more interactive. For example, you can ask a question and then follow up with a poll based on the responses you receive.
  4. Instagram Takeover: During an Instagram takeover, use this sticker to allow the guest host to engage with your audience. This can provide fresh content and new insights for your followers.
  5. Crowdsource Ideas: Use the question sticker to crowdsource ideas for your next blog post, video, or product. This not only engages your audience but also gives you valuable input.

“Ask Me a Question” Strategies

  1. Host a Q&A: Regularly host Q&A sessions using the question sticker. This is a great way to provide value to your followers by answering their most pressing questions. Promote the Q&A in advance to encourage more participation.
  2. Instagram Story Question Themes: Create themed Q&A sessions. For example, dedicate one session to discussing Instagram marketing tips, another to personal hobbies, and another to industry trends. This keeps the content varied and interesting.
  3. Feature on Instagram Stories: Highlight the best questions and answers in your stories. This not only shows appreciation for your followers’ participation but also provides valuable content for those who missed the live Q&A.
  4. Engage with Fun Instagram Questions: Use light-hearted and fun questions to keep your audience entertained. This can include questions like “What’s your favorite emoji?” or “If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?”.
  5. Creative Ways to Use the Question Sticker: Experiment with different ways to use the question sticker. For instance, you can create a “Did you know?” series where followers can ask questions about interesting facts related to your niche.

Instagram marketing tips

Best Practices for Using Instagram Question Stickers

To make the most out of the Instagram question stickers, it’s essential to follow some best practices that can help maximize engagement and create compelling content for your audience.

Maximizing Engagement with Stickers

  • Use the Instagram Questions Sticker Regularly: Consistency is key. Regularly incorporate this sticker into your Instagram Stories to keep your followers on Instagram engaged and accustomed to interacting with your content.
  • Ask Specific Questions: Instead of asking generic questions, focus on specific topics related to your niche. For example, if you run a fitness page, you might ask, “What’s your biggest challenge with staying fit?” This makes it easier for your Instagram account to get meaningful responses.
  • Highlight Responses: Share and highlight the best responses you receive. Share someone’s question and your answer to validate your followers’ input and encourage others to participate.
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Encourage followers to respond quickly by stating that you’ll be answering questions within a limited time frame. This can increase the number of responses you receive.
  • Incorporate Visuals: Enhance your stories with eye-catching visuals. Use images, videos, and engaging graphics to draw attention to your question sticker.

 As a small business owner, I use the question sticker to gather feedback on new product ideas. For instance, when launching a new product, I ask my followers, “What features would you like to see in our new product?” This not only helps me understand my audience’s preferences but also makes them feel valued and involved in the development process.

Tips for Creating Engaging Instagram Story Questions

  1. Relate to Your Business: Tailor your questions to be relevant to your business or niche. This can help generate more meaningful interactions and insights. For example, if you want to learn more about customer preferences, ask specific questions related to your products or services.
  2. Use Emojis: Emojis can make your questions more visually appealing and fun. They help convey emotions and make your stories more engaging.
  3. Respond Promptly: Be prompt in responding to the questions you receive. Quick responses show your audience that you value their input and are actively engaging with them.
  4. Utilize Different Types of Questions: Mix up the types of questions you ask. Use open-ended questions, multiple-choice, and even true/false to keep things interesting. You can use the new questions feature to experiment with different formats.
  5. Encourage Followers to Ask More: At the end of each story, encourage your followers to ask more questions. This can keep the conversation going and provide you with a steady stream of content. For example, you can say, “ask me questions” in the next story.

By following these best practices, you can effectively use Instagram story questions to engage with your audience, gather valuable insights, and create interactive content that resonates with Instagram users. Use the question box by tapping on the sticker icon in the top right of the screen, and then typing your question. Encourage your audience to submit a question, and don’t forget to share someone’s question and your answer for increased engagement.

Use the question box

Related Articles and Additional Resources

To further enhance your understanding and utilization of Instagram Stories and question stickers, here are some related articles and resources that can provide additional insights and inspiration.

Further Reading on Instagram Stories and Stickers

  1. Using Instagram Stories for Marketing: Discover how to leverage Instagram Stories as a powerful marketing tool. This article covers strategies for creating compelling stories that engage your audience and drive traffic to your profile.
  2. Creative Ways to Use Instagram Stickers: Learn about the various types of stickers available on Instagram and how to use them creatively to make your stories more engaging. This includes tips on using poll stickers, emoji sliders, and more.
  3. Maximizing Engagement with Instagram Question Stickers: Explore advanced techniques for using question stickers to boost interaction with your followers. This article delves into different question formats, timing strategies, and ways to highlight responses.

Exploring New Question Sticker Trends

  1. Instagram Question Sticker Ideas for 2024: Stay ahead of the curve by exploring the latest trends and ideas for using question stickers in your Instagram Stories. This resource offers innovative ways to keep your content fresh and engaging.
  2. Successful Use of Question Stickers: Read a detailed case study on how a popular brand used question stickers to increase engagement and gather valuable feedback from its audience. This real-world example provides practical insights and tips.

According to a 2023 report by Hootsuite, 62% of Instagram users say they have become more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in Instagram Stories. This highlights the importance of using interactive features like question stickers to engage followers and boost brand interest.


Using Instagram Stories with question stickers is a powerful way to engage your audience and foster meaningful interactions. By incorporating this feature, you can encourage followers to ask you questions, gather valuable feedback, and create a more dynamic and interactive presence on Instagram.

To make the most out of Instagram question stickers, remember to regularly include them in your stories, ask specific and engaging questions, and promptly respond to the questions you receive. Highlighting responses and incorporating visuals can also enhance the overall experience for your followers.

By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to leverage the full potential of Instagram Stories and question stickers, driving engagement and building stronger connections with your audience.

Start experimenting with Instagram question stickers today and watch how they transform your engagement and interaction with your followers.

In 2023, beauty brand Glossier conducted a successful campaign using Instagram question stickers. They encouraged their followers to ask questions about their skincare routines, which were then answered by Glossier’s product experts. This campaign not only increased engagement but also provided valuable insights into customer needs and preferences. The responses were shared in subsequent stories, creating a dynamic and informative experience for their audience.

Start experimenting with Instagram question stickers

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I ensure my question sticker gets maximum visibility on Instagram?

To maximize visibility, use high-quality images or videos for your stories and place the question sticker prominently. Promote your story in your Instagram post and other social media platforms, and use relevant hashtags to reach a broader audience.

Can I customize the text on my question sticker?

Yes, you can customize the text on your question sticker by tapping on it and typing a question to ask. This allows you to tailor the question to your audience and the context of your story.

What should I do if I don’t get many responses to my question sticker?

If you’re not getting many responses, try changing the time you post your story to when your audience is most active. Also, consider the type of questions you’re asking and ensure they are engaging and relevant to your followers. You can also encourage responses by replying to a few early ones to show you’re actively engaging.

Can I see who viewed my story with the question sticker?

Yes, you can see who viewed your story by swiping up on the story screen. This will show you a list of viewers and the responses to your question sticker.

How can I use question stickers for business purposes?

For business purposes, use question stickers to gather customer feedback, understand your audience’s needs, and engage them with questions about your products or services. This is a great way to host a Q&A session, provide customer support, or generate buzz about a new product or feature.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

Ellen is a seasoned author and communication expert, with a particular focus on Instagram. Her extensive knowledge of the platform has allowed her to create engaging and effective content for businesses and individuals alike. Ellen has a proven track record of crafting compelling Instagram captions and influencer marketing.